My Why
Each of our 150+ staff members has a different “why” that drew them to New Leaders and propels our mission forward. Learn more about why we do what we do.

Janelle Browne
Adjunct Trainer, Principals
How long have you been working with New Leaders?
Since April 2019
We each have a different “why” story that brings us to this work, and ultimately connects us all. What brought you to engage in this work? What is your “why”?
I very quickly realized when I became a kindergarten teacher that instructional rigor was not the same classroom to classroom in the building where I taught. I soon realized the power and importance of school leadership. One of the reasons that leadership is so important to me is because of the breadth and depth of the role. As a school principal, the area where I’ve honed my strengths and interests is in coaching and facilitation for leaders. I’m eager to empower those who aspire to become great leaders themselves and to continue to serve our students in this capacity.
Imagine and describe New Leaders impact in 5 – 10 years. How do you envision supporting us in reaching that impact?
I envision an active network of current New Leaders participants and alumni, engaging together within school systems around the country. Due to our organization’s growth over the last several years, one of the greatest opportunities we have is to collectively engage these combined networks to reach and positively impact students at an even greater scale. I plan to support through my involvement as both a staff member and New Leaders alum.
What’s a fun fact about you?
I was a synchronized ice skater for several years – when I was better coordinated!

Karen Bryan-Chambers
Executive Director, Engagement & Alumni Relations
How long have you been working with New Leaders?
Since May 2019
We each have a different “why” story that brings us to this work, and ultimately connects us all. What brought you to engage in this work? What is your “why”?
First and foremost, I believe I am called to do this work. There has always been a desire in me to improve the quality of education that has far too many of our students inadequately prepared for learning. As a teacher, I recognized that our most vulnerable students have the least access to equitable education. I was determined to provide all students with an opportunity to make progress and have ownership over their learning. I dedicated 15 years of my teaching career to educating racially marginalized communities in the city of New Orleans. I believe students not only need committed and dedicated educators but educators who were highly skilled and qualified to mitigate the learning loss of all students. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina devastated my beloved city, New Orleans, and our schools were forced to close. Upon reopening in August 2006, I was determined to get home to teach! My drive did not change but only intensified because I witnessed our students being denied the opportunities to excel. I was more determined than ever to, not only make a change, but to be the change! Therefore, my personal mission has been to continue to create conditions where students can succeed and thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
Imagine and describe New Leaders impact in 5 – 10 years. How do you envision supporting us in reaching that impact?
In 5-10 years, we will be in a place where all students can achieve at high academic levels. The Leadership Academy will hold a space so that all adults at New Leaders can make this a reality.
What’s a fun fact about you?
I still keep in touch with my students from my first year of teaching.

Donna Carter
Senior Manager, Operations-Finance
How long have you been working with New Leaders?
Since February 2015
We each have a different “why” story that brings us to this work, and ultimately connects us all. What brought you to engage in this work? What is your “why”?
I always knew I wanted to do something with math and found my way into the accounting field, but the path was not easy. In fourth grade, I memorized the entire math textbook. My Catholic school teachers were dismayed. And I was prohibited from doing any more math homework for the rest of the year. Unfortunately, this experience took away my love for learning. I’ve now turned this experience into fuel for my daily work at New Leaders. Every child has the right to a quality education. And working with budgets is my way of contributing to our mission and fighting for racial justice.
Imagine and describe New Leaders impact in 5 – 10 years. How do you envision supporting us in reaching that impact?
New Leaders programs offer important tools leaders need in order to create learning environments for children. I would like to see a day where being New Leaders trained is mentioned in the announcement letter of a superintendent in any district across the US.
What’s a fun fact about you?
The first spreadsheet I ever created translated baseball scorecards into box scores that tracked season metrics of the roster of the New York Yankees.
Keith Chow
Director, Program Management & Operations
How long have you been working with New Leaders?
Since November 2013
We each have a different “why” story that brings us to this work, and ultimately connects us all. What brought you to engage in this work? What is your “why”?
I have been in education since 2001 when I was a high school English teacher in Chesapeake, VA – incidentally at the alma mater of both Alonzo Mourning and Jay Pharoah. Throughout my education career, I’ve been passionate about finding innovative ways to serve the educational needs of all students, particularly those from traditionally underrepresented communities.
Imagine and describe New Leaders impact in 5 – 10 years. How do you envision supporting us in reaching that impact?
In 5-10 years, New Leaders will continue to be the premier destination for school leaders to develop the tools to transform their schools and their communities and to ensure that the American educational system is a fair, equitable, and just one.
What’s a fun fact about you?
I have edited several books and have been a leading voice in the movement for better representation of people of color in the entertainment industry since 2009, with bylines appearing in the New York Times, NBC News, and other outlets.

Rick Cusick
Deputy Chief Officer, Technology Team
How long have you been working with New Leaders?
Since May 2021
We each have a different “why” story that brings us to this work, and ultimately connects us all. What brought you to engage in this work? What is your “why”?
One the best working experiences of my life was being part of a team creating an innovative and impactful reading intervention. The intentionality around the research-driven instructional design and technical craft showed up in the program results. While the team was deservedly proud of the program and its efficacy, there was a realization that full adoption requires school and district leadership creating a culture that would drive the desired impact at scale. I’m thrilled to be part of the New Leaders team, developing school leaders and driving impact at scale for the most marginalized students in our country.
Imagine and describe New Leaders impact in 5 – 10 years. How do you envision supporting us in reaching that impact?
Our organization, our work, and our program serve as exemplars of how to create, deliver and embody leadership development in education through an equity lens. We use technology to scale innovative experiences and are recognized for using data and feedback to make decisions.
What’s a fun fact about you?
I grew up in a big family - the 4th oldest of 9 children.

Denise Dennis
Chief National Aspiring Principals Program Officer
How long have you been working with New Leaders?
Since November 2009
We each have a different “why” story that brings us to this work, and ultimately connects us all. What brought you to engage in this work? What is your “why”?
My family and upbringing serve as the foundation for “my why.” I was born and raised in Greensboro, NC. Greensboro is home to the “Greensboro Four” and widely known for being a catalyst to the sit-in movement that spread during the fight for desegregation. My parents were both educators and advocates for civil rights. They instilled in me a strong sense of pride in myself, love for my community, commitment to education, and a responsibility to fight for social justice. Their legacy and the opportunity to improve life outcomes for students is “my why.”
Imagine and describe New Leaders impact in 5 – 10 years. How do you envision supporting us in reaching that impact?
In 5-10 years I envision New Leaders continuing to pave the way for the development of programs and policies designed to foster a renewed and equitable educational system that creates agents of change who actively uplift themselves, their communities, and the world at large. I will be humbled to still be a part of the team in 5-10 years and look forward to serving the organization in any capacity that bolsters our mission and vision.
What’s a fun fact about you?
I am a former college volleyball player and currently an avid yogi!

Jean Desravines
Chief Executive Officer
How long have you been working with New Leaders?
Since April 2006
We each have a different “why” story that brings us to this work, and ultimately connects us all. What brought you to engage in this work? What is your “why”?
I am the youngest of 10 siblings and a first generation Haitian-American. My father was a judge who left Haiti because he was asked to work for Jean Claude Duvalier “Baby Doc.” We settled in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. Growing up in Bed-Stuy, my two closest friends were Eddie and Isaac. When it was time to attend high school, we enrolled in Erasmus, a community public high school with over 4,000 students and under 20% graduation rate. After two days, my father pulled me out saying, “if you stay, you’ll end up dead or in prison.” He worked three jobs to send me to a local Catholic high school that changed my life. My father died when I was in high school, and my mother moved back to Haiti. Nazareth High School became the village that changed the course of my life. The principal, assistant principal, and teachers had an unwavering belief in my potential and a determination to ensure that I was successful in life. Unfortunately, Eddie and Isaac stayed in Erasmus. Eddie was killed at the age of 17, and Isaac is serving life in prison. My “why” is rooted in making sure that families never need to worry, like my father did, about what it means to send their child to a public school. Instead, they know it means their child will receive an education that will unlock their potential and prepare them to be successful in life.
Imagine and describe New Leaders impact in 5 – 10 years. How do you envision supporting us in reaching that impact?
I am truly energized by our long-term impact. I see New Leaders redefining what low-income students, particularly students of color, can accomplish through the strong, courageous leaders whom we developed and supported. I see us using our platform to amplify that impact so we can share it far and wide among the education sector. And I envision continuing to build and strengthen our amazing people who will make all of this possible.
What’s a fun fact about you?
I have a brown belt in taekwondo. Yes, I can break a board with my head but don’t ask me to demonstrate this at a retreat!

Aja Foote
Executive Director, HR Administration & Benefits
How long have you been working with New Leaders?
I am so proud to say I have been with New Leaders for 12 years now!
We each have a different “why” story that brings us to this work, and ultimately connects us all. What brought you to engage in this work? What is your “why”?
I grew up with a dad, who was an educator. His passion for education and the unyielding care he exhibited for his students inspired me. I started my career as a high school Spanish teacher but was disheartened by the challenges I saw my students facing on a daily basis, and I had no idea how to change it. I decided to alter my career path and go into Human Resources, so I could help support the educators and leaders who are on the frontlines making a difference every day.
Imagine and describe New Leaders impact in 5 – 10 years. How do you envision supporting us in reaching that impact?
I’ve been fortunate to see how much success New Leaders has accomplished over the past 10 years, and I imagine that in another 10 years we will be celebrating the impact we have had on creating educational equity and excellence across the country. I am committed to supporting our staff so they can continue to do the amazing work they do to achieve these results.
What’s a fun fact about you?
My hobby and passion is photography! It’s a way that I can express myself creatively and capture special moments around me.

Danielle Goddard-Ellis
Fellowship Adjunct Faculty
How long have you been working with New Leaders?
Since July 2016
We each have a different “why” story that brings us to this work, and ultimately connects us all. What brought you to engage in this work? What is your “why”?
I was born to a single mother with 5 children who often had to make many sacrifices to provide the very basics. Despite the many challenges, she always provided the best for us and encouraged education. She always wanted to be a math teacher but didn’t have the means to make her dream a reality. From there, a sense of purpose in me was born, and with grit and resiliency, I was able to attend the University of Maryland, College Park, and am still the only to graduate in my family post high school. Although I was an honor roll student in high school, college was very difficult for me as I wasn’t properly prepared for the rigorous expectations and had to take many remedial math courses and repeat a few others. As if my familial challenges weren’t enough, I encountered a high school counselor who didn’t know much about me but determined I wasn’t “college material” from an interest survey my junior year. She failed to think enough of me to recommend any Advanced Placement courses or SAT practice classes. Due to my lack of preparation, I didn’t get accepted to UMCP
at first and attended community college. After completing 49 credits, I reapplied and was accepted. I went on to graduate and now hold a BS in Elementary Education, MS, and EdD in Educational Leadership. This experience of being discouraged by adults who are hired to be advocates for children is all too real for our students today. I want to ensure that leaders place only the best educators and service providers before children and build their capacity to ensure all students learn at high levels, are prepared for college and/or the workforce and have CHOICES in life. Adults should never doubt a child’s interest and ability but instead encourage and guide them. I will always be an advocate for children and help to leverage parents' abilities to advocate for their children. It’s my mother’s legacy.
Imagine and describe New Leaders impact in 5 – 10 years. How do you envision supporting us in reaching that impact?
I envision New Leaders impact to be grand. Impacting thousands of educators and leaders over the next 5-10 years that ultimately ensure that ALL children are prepared to engage in a meaningful livelihood of his/her choice.
What’s a fun fact about you?
I've recently embraced more outdoor activities like biking, hiking, and kayaking. I usually am a lounge on the beach or poolside kind of girl, but with limited opportunities these days, I've had to expand my comfort zone.

Lawanda Hill
Executive Director, Program Implementation
How long have you been working with New Leaders?
Since August 2014
We each have a different “why” story that brings us to this work, and ultimately connects us all. What brought you to engage in this work? What is your “why”?
Growing up, I spent a lot of time with my grandmother who had no formal education. Though she was instrumental in teaching me to count, it did not take long for me to realize that school offered it differently. I learned to code switch before I could define it, but I also learned early lessons of equity and access. Quality education is crucial; particularly to those marginalized due to race and poverty. This personal intersectionality keeps me grounded and connected to opportunities to alleviate such inhumane practices in public education.
Imagine and describe New Leaders impact in 5 – 10 years. How do you envision supporting us in reaching that impact?
I believe that we have an opportunity to transform our nation’s approach to education through results-driven leadership training that ensures that ALL students are supported for success. My pursuit of excellence in practice and implementation will aid in getting the best support to school and district leaders to drive improved student outcomes.
What’s a fun fact about you?
I was formerly employed by a national security firm. Though most of my responsibilities involved account management for employee background checks, it required licensure as a private investigator. Interestingly, shoes have always been my thing and my only undercover assignment was at a shoe store; and yes...I got to keep the shoes!

John Jenkins
Chief Implementation Officer
How long have you been working with New Leaders?
Since October 2014
We each have a different “why” story that brings us to this work, and ultimately connects us all. What brought you to engage in this work? What is your “why”?
From the moment I entered the classroom as a high school teacher in the Bronx, NY, I developed an immediate bond with my students. It was clear every day that my presence, my experiences in college, and my ability to share common language was incredibly meaningful to them and a source of inspiration and motivation to excel, because Mr. Jenkins did. Ten years later as the principal of Martin Luther King Elementary School, I saw the same sense of amazement, connection and admiration in little people who saw themselves reflected in their principal, affectionately called Dr. J. I realized that, to my students, I represented their fathers, uncles, and older brothers. I realized how transformative and empowering it was for students to see themselves in their teachers and leaders. I chose school leadership for those children, my little brothers, sisters, and cousins. I chose New Leaders because we know the importance and impact of giving students strong, competent, caring leaders in whom they can see themselves. It changes everything!
Imagine and describe New Leaders impact in 5 – 10 years. How do you envision supporting us in reaching that impact?
My role is to ensure that every program staff member has the inspiration, focus, support, and capacity to do the incredibly important and rigorous work required to create transformative learning for all of our participants such that we see dramatic improvement in school quality and student learning for over 1 million children across the country.
What’s a fun fact about you?
I am a performer at heart! I have performed with a traveling theater group and appeared in an episode of Forensic Files. I use this passion in presenting and plan to return to my first love one day ☺

Laura Kadetsky
Chief Administrative Officer & General Counsel
How long have you been working with New Leaders?
Since September 2010
We each have a different “why” story that brings us to this work, and ultimately connects us all. What brought you to engage in this work? What is your “why”?
I had the privilege of receiving a phenomenal education from pre-K through law school. I engage in this work because I want to live in a world where every child has the opportunity to receive a phenomenal education from their schools, too. And I believe that New Leaders approach – supported by our collective belief in the potential in every child – is critical to reaching that world.
Imagine and describe New Leaders impact in 5 – 10 years. How do you envision supporting us in reaching that impact?
In 5-10 years, New Leaders will be known throughout the field as the preeminent leadership development organization. We will have proof points of our new pathways model and leverage those to significantly expand our scale across the country to reach educators and kids in many more communities. My team will support that through technology systems that help deliver impactful learning for educators, an amazing work experience for staff, and through legal systems that solidify our partnerships with school systems across the country.
What’s a fun fact about you?
Before starting law school, I spent 3 months in Paris at Le Cordon Bleu cooking school!

Krista Lewis-Johnson
National Senior Executive Director, Program Design & Leadership Academy
How long have you been working with New Leaders?
Since June 2013
We each have a different “why” story that brings us to this work, and ultimately connects us all. What brought you to engage in this work? What is your “why”?
I was born and raised in a small rural area in South Carolina. Although resources were scarce, my parents instilled a love for education in my siblings and me. Their decision to go back to college in their thirties, with four children, changed the trajectory of my life and shaped my perspective on how education, and the opportunities that spring from it, changes everything. Witnessing how education changed our household, coupled with my desire to be a teacher, I became fascinated and passionate about the art of teaching and learning (at all levels) and creating opportunities for people. Over the years and through the privileges that I have had to work in both rural and urban school districts, I’ve seen students in the most troubling, underserved environments outperform other students because conditions were created for them to thrive and there was a belief that they could learn and excel. They rose to the expectations. And, that’s my why! I do this work because I believe that when conditions are created for learning and there are beliefs in the capabilities of leaders, teachers, and students, we’ll consistently see “all students learning.” I want nothing more than for every Black and Brown student, like my own children, to have opportunities galore.
Imagine and describe New Leaders impact in 5 – 10 years. How do you envision supporting us in reaching that impact?
In 5-10 years, New Leaders will be the leading, premier leadership development organization, changing the educational landscape nationally and internationally.
What’s a fun fact about you?
I can sing and have been singing since I was a little girl!

Anne Thomas
Senior Executive Director, Program Implementation & Adjunct Trainer Corps
How long have you been working with New Leaders?
Since October 2018
We each have a different “why” story that brings us to this work, and ultimately connects us all. What brought you to engage in this work? What is your “why”?
I started my education career teaching immigrant and refugee students in inner-city schools in Fort Worth, Texas, and over the next several years of my career, I worked in a wide array of schools spanning all socioeconomic groups and grade levels. When I started my New Leaders Residency in Memphis, I saw educational disparity firsthand on a daily basis for a targeted group of students and was appalled. It was at that point I knew that I would spend the rest of my life fighting for educational equity, access, and excellence for all kids. New Leaders made that a reality.
Imagine and describe New Leaders impact in 5 – 10 years. How do you envision supporting us in reaching that impact?
I envision New Leaders having trained tens of thousands of successful school and district leaders across the country and having a measurable and sustainable impact on student achievement – to the point that we are THE leading authority in our field of work.
What’s a fun fact about you?
I auditioned for Family Feud with my husband, brother, and sister in-laws in December 2019. We are still eagerly awaiting our invitation to Los Angeles!

Kimberly Washington
Adjunct Trainer, Principals
How long have you been working with New Leaders?
Since July 2015
We each have a different “why” story that brings us to this work, and ultimately connects us all. What brought you to engage in this work? What is your “why”?
My “why” stems from a generational belief that we have a civic responsibility to our families and communities to meaningfully champion the next generation. I’ve committed my professional journey to improving teaching and learning so that all students have access and opportunity to thrive independently and achieve at high levels. I believe education is the gateway to freedom; freedom from generational poverty and freedom to live in God’s purpose. New Leaders is uniquely positioned to positively impact the trajectory of children across the country through leadership development from the classroom to district offices.
Imagine and describe New Leaders impact in 5 – 10 years. How do you envision supporting us in reaching that impact?
In 5-10 years, I imagine New Leaders will have even better RAND results and continue to be disruptive where there are inequitable practices, where instruction isn’t standards-aligned, and where there is a need to develop leadership from teachers to principal supervisors. I envision supporting this work as a long-standing member of the Program Implementation Team, working with district leaders, directors, and participants to ensure equity and excellence.
What’s a fun fact about you?
I earned 1st place at my 12th grade science fair with a project entitled “Dead Looking Alive.” I embalmed meat using 3 different embalming fluids and observed the changes that occurred over six weeks. The data collected was used to determine which embalming agent preserved the body (meat) the longest. Weird, maybe.