Teacher Leaders

Amplify Your Impact and Reach More Students

Jordy Sparks
New Leaders Alum, 2011

Strong schools rely on strong teacher leaders.

From leading teams to coaching colleagues to engaging in school-wide decision making processes, teacher leaders are instrumental in school improvement. New Leaders has over 20 years of experience developing high-performing teacher leaders. Our job-embedded, data-driven approach to leadership development accelerates student success. 

Learn how our unique portfolio of programs and services can support your leadership journey.

New Leaders students studying with their teacher- New Leaders Images
New Leaders Alumni
Baltimore Cohort, 2014

National Aspiring Principals Fellowship

Our National Aspiring Principals Fellowship prepares equity-focused teachers for the principal role. An online principal certification program, the Fellowship creates a clear pathway for full-time teachers to move into school leadership. Designed in partnership with two preeminent minority serving institutions—Morehouse College and Clark Atlanta University—the Fellowship honors the experiences and identities of educators of color and develops leaders who remove barriers to student success. Bring the Fellowship to your school system today for better outcomes, more equitable representation, and stronger learning communities.

Leading and Learning Workshops

Leading and Learning Workshops are short, 4-hour virtual sessions designed to provide critical support to educators on urgent problems of practice. These sessions offer flexible ways for school and district leaders to engage with their peers and increase their toolkit of best practices for instructional leadership.

Patricia Drummond
New Leaders Alum, 2011

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build and strengthen leadership capacity?
Download Our Stories of Impact

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We invite you to explore more of our New Leaders programs and services. Or if you’re ready to talk with a member of our K12 Partner Engagement team now, please schedule a time that works best for you. 

We look forward to the conversation.
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