Instructional Leadership
Patricia Otway-Drummond
New Leaders Alum, 2011
New Leaders Alum, 2011

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Adaptive Leadership
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Instructional Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Instructional Leadership
Unlocking Potential, Driving Success: Six Strategies for Leading Better School Teams
Being a true leader is not just a title, it involves taking action. If you find yourself in the position of leading a team at your school for the first time this year, these strategies will help you get comfortable in your new role.
Instructional Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Instructional Leadership
Making Your Mark: Advice for New & Tenured Assistant Principals
Assistant principals drive instructional leadership, manage school operations, support teachers and staff, ensure student wellbeing, and much more. Here’s how to balance—and embrace—the diverse responsibilities that come with the role.
Instructional Leadership
School Culture
Family and Community Engagement

Instructional Leadership
How the Best K-12 Education Leaders Build Data Literacy
The right data can tell the story of your school or district, both in the present and future—and that’s why the best education leaders place a high value on data literacy.
Instructional Leadership
Distributed Leadership
Leading for Excellence

Instructional Leadership
“Our Role Is Critical”: How to Best Support Assistant Principals
In honor of National Assistant Principal (AP) Week, we’re focusing on the critical role APs play in our schools and how we can leverage these education leaders for even greater impact.
Voices From The Field
Instructional Leadership
School Culture

Voices From The Field
From a Single Question to a New School Model
Ever dream of starting a new school? Here’s how one New Leaders alum and his team transformed a question into a thriving middle school community.
Instructional Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
Leading for Excellence

Instructional Leadership
Characteristics of Great School Principals That Drive Impact
This time of year offers a natural time for reflection, especially for school and district leaders who don’t always take the time to celebrate their wins. Here are the ways you make a difference.
Instructional Leadership
Goal Setting & Action Planning
School Culture

Instructional Leadership
Data-Driven School Culture: Three Ways to Initiate Lasting Change
In addition to acting as data champion, a key part of a school leader’s role in building a data-driven school culture is to create the conditions for that culture to thrive. We outline three practical steps to get there.
Instructional Leadership
School Culture
Goal Setting & Action Planning

Instructional Leadership
Data-Driven Instruction: What Is a School Leader’s Role?
When gathered and analyzed effectively, student data elevates instructional practices and improves student learning. Here are a few ways visionary school leaders can be the data champions of their schools.
Instructional Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Voices From The Field

Instructional Leadership
How Leadership Development at Every Level Fuels Gains
Discover how one district, in partnership with New Leaders, developed leaders of teams, leaders of schools, and leaders of systems in tandem—and is driving instructional excellence and equity at scale.
Leading for Excellence
Instructional Leadership
School Culture

Leading for Excellence
Three Ways for School Leaders to Champion Cultural Responsiveness
All students benefit from culturally responsive schools—but not all students have access to them. Here are a few ways school leaders can play a critical role in promoting culturally responsive practices schoolwide.
Resilient Leadership
Instructional Leadership
High-Performing Teams

Resilient Leadership
Walking in Their Shoes: A Day in the Life of a School Principal
Unpredictable and rewarding are often how school principals describe their days. Here’s a snapshot of what one of those days could entail—and why effective school leadership makes a difference.
School Culture
Instructional Leadership
Personal Leadership

Personal Leadership
Four Ways to Prioritize School Culture & Instruction From the Start
This time of year, you want to hit the ground running with instruction—but you also want to ensure your school culture is welcoming and inclusive for everyone. Here’s how to do both.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Instructional Leadership
Personal Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration
“I Want to Be a Better Leader Than I Am Right Now.”
Meaningful professional development is a key reason principals stay in their roles. Here’s what that looks like in Vancouver Public Schools—and how it is motivating one principal to keep growing.
Instructional Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
Leading for Excellence

Instructional Leadership
School Leaders Need a Plan to Lead for Literacy
Great literacy instruction requires more than great teaching—it requires great leadership. Learn how to apply a 4-part action planning process to chart a course forward for your school or district.
Observation & Coaching
Instructional Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Observation & Coaching
How Coaching Leaders Delivers Instructional Shifts
Assistant principals play a vital role in our schools. Here’s how one New Leaders alum is developing the vice principals in her district to be coaches and instructional leaders.
Instructional Leadership
Observation & Coaching
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Instructional Leadership
The Instructional Leader's Guide to Jumpstarting ELA Instruction
Research shows that strong school leadership accounts for about 25 percent of a school’s impact on student achievement. You can elevate that impact through instructional leadership—particularly through ELA-focused strategies.
Instructional Leadership
Observation & Coaching
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Instructional Leadership
The Instructional Leader's Guide to Jumpstarting Math Instruction
Strong instructional leaders can add up to three additional months of learning for students every year. Build teacher capacity and increase student achievement with these math-focused actions.
Instructional Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
Family and Community Engagement

Instructional Leadership
School Leaders: 6 Ways You Made a Difference in 2022
In the midst of the challenges school leadership entails, don’t forget how much you and your leadership are needed. Here are just a few of the reasons why you’re so appreciated.
Instructional Leadership
Family and Community Engagement
Leading for Excellence

Instructional Leadership
To Reverse NAEP Trends, Invest In Your School Leaders
Meeting student needs requires looking beyond short-term fixes toward long-term investments in leadership that enable system transformation for equity and excellence. Here are three investments that can jumpstart student learning.
Instructional Leadership
Observation & Coaching
High-Performing Teams

Instructional Leadership
Strong Instructional Leadership: What Does It Look Like?
Strong instructional leaders can reverse NAEP trends and improve student outcomes. Here are six key leadership actions that can accelerate student learning in your school and district.
High-Performing Teams
Instructional Leadership
Goal Setting & Action Planning

High-Performing Teams
What Makes a Strong Instructional Leadership Team?
Grow the leadership capacity in your building and tackle the demands of this school year with a strong instructional leadership team. What makes a team strong? Read on.
Instructional Leadership
School Culture
Observation & Coaching

Instructional Leadership
Tips For Giving More Impactful and Intentional Teacher Feedback
Giving effective teacher feedback is an essential part of building their confidence, improving their craft, and improving student outcomes. Strengthen your delivery with these five strategies.
Instructional Leadership
Leading for Excellence
Resilient Leadership

Resilient Leadership
Leadership Qualities that Keep Great Principals in Their Roles
Headlines abound about a potential “principal exodus,” but many principals have stayed. This resiliency can be attributed to a well-honed set of leadership qualities.
School Culture
Instructional Leadership
Social-Emotional Learning

School Culture
How to Uplift Student Voice and Build Agency
Listening is often a key to success. Here are four strategies to elevate student voice in ways that build student agency, improve learning outcomes, and contribute to a positive school climate.
Instructional Leadership
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Instructional Leadership
How One District Partnership is Building a Pipeline of Future Leaders
New Leaders and Baltimore City Public Schools are committed to working together to prepare aspiring leaders, building and retaining a strong bench of talent. Here’s how our district partnership works.
High-Performing Teams
Distributed Leadership
Instructional Leadership

High-Performing Teams
Building Your Instructional Leadership Team This School Year
The secret to a strong school can often lie in its teams. If you’re looking to start an instructional leadership team, or wanting to bolster your own, these tips can help.
Instructional Leadership
Distributed Leadership
School Culture

Instructional Leadership
Culture Isn’t Just for Schools: District Leadership Matters
District leaders, from principal supervisors to superintendents, play a critical role in establishing a culture of growth, satisfaction, and impact. Here are four leadership actions you can take.
Leading for Excellence
Instructional Leadership
Voices From The Field

Leading for Excellence
Educators Must Spread Carter G. Woodson’s Legacy Over The Entire School Year
Woodson created the idea of celebrating Black history. His legacy demands school leaders to spread it before and after February.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Instructional Leadership
Observation & Coaching

Observation & Coaching
Principal Coaching: Why It Works
Hear from four New Leaders leadership coaches about how one-on-one virtual coaching is lifting up and supporting principals and assistant principals in this moment and the next.
Instructional Leadership
Distributed Leadership
Family and Community Engagement

Leading for Excellence
8 Reasons to Celebrate Education Leaders in 2021
Eight big reasons why you and your work need to be celebrated. While school leadership has its share of challenges, there can also be plenty of joy.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Observation & Coaching
Instructional Leadership

Observation & Coaching
How Effective Coaching is Rooted in the Lived Realities of Students
Good coaching leaves a legacy. Here’s how an instructional coach forever changed the way one school leader taught his high school students and later led his school.
Instructional Leadership
Personal Leadership
Leading for Excellence

Leading for Excellence
The Qualities of a Great Principal
Behind every great teacher is a great principal. Here’s what we know—and what research confirms—to be the qualities of a transformational school leader.
Leading for Excellence
Instructional Leadership
Adaptive Leadership

Leading for Excellence
Five Differences a Great School Principal Makes
Great principals build great schools. The difference a good principal makes is lasting—for students, teachers, families, and communities. Here are the top five ways good principals create great schools.
Instructional Leadership
Observation & Coaching
Voices From The Field

Instructional Leadership
Back to School: How small changes can lead to big wins for school leaders
A New Leaders alum reflects on the power of small changes to enhance her leadership and team meetings. After a year of disrupted learning, these tips can deliver big wins.
Personal Leadership
Instructional Leadership
Voices From The Field

Personal Leadership
Leading through crisis requires that we magnify students' strengths and put them on a path toward success. Learn how one New Leaders alum and principal did just that.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Instructional Leadership
Distributed Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
We’re All in This Together: Developing Teacher Leaders
Why invest in teacher leadership? Principals can’t do it all. Teaching and leading are different skill sets. And strong teachers with job-embedded training can have a greater impact on more students.
Instructional Leadership
Distributed Leadership
Voices From The Field

Instructional Leadership
Distributed Leadership: Empowering Teachers to Make a Lasting Difference for Students
A New Leaders alum and coach reflects on distributed leadership: “I knew if I created a partnership with my team, we could build the culture our students needed to thrive.”
Instructional Leadership
Voices From The Field

Instructional Leadership
Back-to-School: Making Virtual Instruction Relevant in a Pandemic
New Leaders alum and assistant principal rethinks their curricula to zero in on student voice and identity. “One thing we have control over is how we engage students in learning.”
Instructional Leadership
Voices From The Field

Personal Leadership
“Give Yourself Some Grace." How One Principal is Redefining Virtual Instruction
A New Leaders alum and principal is creating a brand-new blueprint for instruction in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Find out what is working well for students, staff, and families.
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