Observation & Coaching
Patricia Otway-Drummond
New Leaders Alum, 2011
New Leaders Alum, 2011

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Observation & Coaching
School Culture
Personal Leadership

Observation & Coaching
Cultivating a Coaching Mindset: Three Strategies for K-12 Education Leaders
Adopting a coaching mindset as a school or district leader helps your teachers, staff, and aspiring leaders see—and reach—their potential. Strengthen your mindset with these strategies.
Observation & Coaching
Family and Community Engagement
Personal Leadership

Observation & Coaching
Coaching: The Power of Being Seen as a Leader
Students excel when they feel seen. The same is true for school leaders. Here’s how one New Leaders alum experienced the impact of our leadership coaching in her school.
Observation & Coaching
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Observation & Coaching
Starting Strong: What K12 Leadership Coaching Can Do For You
Job-embedded leadership coaching can deepen your impact this school year. Discover how it works and why leaders and educators at every level find it beneficial to achieving ambitious goals.
Observation & Coaching
Instructional Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Observation & Coaching
How Coaching Leaders Delivers Instructional Shifts
Assistant principals play a vital role in our schools. Here’s how one New Leaders alum is developing the vice principals in her district to be coaches and instructional leaders.
Observation & Coaching
Adaptive Leadership
High-Performing Teams

Observation & Coaching
How One Superintendent Is Strengthening Her Leadership
“Everyone needs support with problem solving,” reflects Gina Sudaria, superintendent of Ravenswood City School District. Discover how her partnership with a New Leaders executive coach is helping her make transformational change.
Observation & Coaching
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Voices From The Field

Observation & Coaching
10 Reasons to Consider a Leadership Coach
Job-embedded coaching for school and district leaders can be a game-changer. Here are ten reasons why leadership coaching might be a good fit for you.
Instructional Leadership
Observation & Coaching
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Instructional Leadership
The Instructional Leader's Guide to Jumpstarting ELA Instruction
Research shows that strong school leadership accounts for about 25 percent of a school’s impact on student achievement. You can elevate that impact through instructional leadership—particularly through ELA-focused strategies.
Instructional Leadership
Observation & Coaching
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Instructional Leadership
The Instructional Leader's Guide to Jumpstarting Math Instruction
Strong instructional leaders can add up to three additional months of learning for students every year. Build teacher capacity and increase student achievement with these math-focused actions.
Instructional Leadership
Observation & Coaching
High-Performing Teams

Instructional Leadership
Strong Instructional Leadership: What Does It Look Like?
Strong instructional leaders can reverse NAEP trends and improve student outcomes. Here are six key leadership actions that can accelerate student learning in your school and district.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Observation & Coaching
Resilient Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
What Kind of Professional Development Best Supports Principals Right Now?
As district leaders work to address principal shortages, one strategy tops the list of retention efforts: providing high-quality K-12 professional development. Here’s how to support the learning opportunities principals are seeking.
Instructional Leadership
School Culture
Observation & Coaching

Instructional Leadership
Tips For Giving More Impactful and Intentional Teacher Feedback
Giving effective teacher feedback is an essential part of building their confidence, improving their craft, and improving student outcomes. Strengthen your delivery with these five strategies.
Resilient Leadership
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Observation & Coaching

Resilient Leadership
What Does Resilient District Leadership Look Like In Action?
Hear from two district superintendents on the proven strategies they used to cultivate resilience in their school leaders and the communities they served—both during the pandemic and now.
Resilient Leadership
Voices From The Field
Observation & Coaching

Resilient Leadership
How to Invest In and Retain Effective Principals
In this era of the Great Resignation, when 40% of principals anticipate leaving their roles, district leaders need to develop resilient leaders who can meet the challenges ahead. Here’s how.
High-Performing Teams
Distributed Leadership
Observation & Coaching

High-Performing Teams
3 Ways Your Instructional Leadership Team Can Drive School Change
Leadership requires creating the conditions for achieving positive change at scale. Structuring your instructional leadership team for success will allow it to drive excellence and equity across your school.
Observation & Coaching
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Voices From The Field

Observation & Coaching
3 Reasons To Work With a School Leadership Coach
Virtual coaching allows more school leaders access to coaching when it’s needed most. Coaching in a virtual environment is resource-effective, provides trusted thought partnership, and focuses on your leadership goals.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Instructional Leadership
Observation & Coaching

Observation & Coaching
Principal Coaching: Why It Works
Hear from four New Leaders leadership coaches about how one-on-one virtual coaching is lifting up and supporting principals and assistant principals in this moment and the next.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Observation & Coaching
Instructional Leadership

Observation & Coaching
How Effective Coaching is Rooted in the Lived Realities of Students
Good coaching leaves a legacy. Here’s how an instructional coach forever changed the way one school leader taught his high school students and later led his school.
Observation & Coaching
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Observation & Coaching
Coaching Works for School Leaders, Too
Learn why a leadership coach is an important part of your support system, and how a coach can help you cut through the clutter, get clear on goals, and take action.
Instructional Leadership
Observation & Coaching
Voices From The Field

Instructional Leadership
Back to School: How small changes can lead to big wins for school leaders
A New Leaders alum reflects on the power of small changes to enhance her leadership and team meetings. After a year of disrupted learning, these tips can deliver big wins.
Adaptive Leadership
Observation & Coaching
Distributed Leadership

Adaptive Leadership
Empowering Principals to Empower Their Schools
Two former principals and current leadership coaches (as well as New Leaders alumni) share three essential supports that made a transformative difference in their leadership.
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