Professional Learning & Collaboration
Patricia Otway-Drummond
New Leaders Alum, 2011
New Leaders Alum, 2011

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Adaptive Leadership
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Distributed Leadership
Instructional Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Instructional Leadership
Unlocking Potential, Driving Success: Six Strategies for Leading Better School Teams
Being a true leader is not just a title, it involves taking action. If you find yourself in the position of leading a team at your school for the first time this year, these strategies will help you get comfortable in your new role.
Personal Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
Distributed Leadership
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Personal Leadership
5 Practices for K-12 Leaders to Strengthen Relationships with Administration
Building strong relationships between K-12 leaders and administrators fosters trust, collaboration, and psychological safety. Discover strategies to proactively develop these essential connections, ensuring a successful partnership that drives student achievement and school improvement.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Goal Setting & Action Planning

4 Essential Strategies for Thriving in Your First Year as an Assistant Principal
New assistant principal? Discover four strategies to excel in your first year and build a strong foundation for success.
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Personal Leadership

Goal Setting & Action Planning
Advice on How to Ace Your First Year as a K-12 Principal
Are you, or do you know someone who is, starting their career as a principal this school year? Check out our best strategies for ensuring your first year is a success.
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Personal Leadership

Goal Setting & Action Planning
Six Important Actions K-12 Leaders Can Take Over the Summer, Part Two
As summer continues, we’re back with another set of six strategies to help principals and other K-12 leaders relax, refresh, and get ready for the school year ahead.
Personal Leadership
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Personal Leadership
From Self-Reflection to School Success: A Checklist for K-12 Principals
Summer is a great time for reflection—both about your school community and your own leadership needs. Here are some questions—and accountability strategies—to get you ready for next year.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Personal Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Six Important Actions K-12 Leaders Can Take Over the Summer
The summer offers K-12 leaders much needed downtime and a chance to charge your batteries after a whirlwind school year. Take time for yourself and your leadership with these actions.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Personal Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Principal Preparation: Am I Ready?
Wondering whether the principalship is in your future? Explore your principal readiness through these 10 self-reflection questions.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Personal Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
End-of-Year Time Management: Our Best Tips for K-12 Education Leaders
If you’re a K-12 education leader, you’re most likely always wishing for more time—especially as the end of the year approaches. We’ve outlined several strategies to help you get some precious hours back, both right now and in the long term.
Instructional Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Instructional Leadership
Making Your Mark: Advice for New & Tenured Assistant Principals
Assistant principals drive instructional leadership, manage school operations, support teachers and staff, ensure student wellbeing, and much more. Here’s how to balance—and embrace—the diverse responsibilities that come with the role.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Resilient Leadership
Voices From The Field

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Principal Preparation: What Aspiring Leaders Need to Succeed
Thinking about moving into school leadership? Or know someone who is? Here are ten essential mindsets and professional learning insights—along with ten popular blog posts—to support your path forward.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
School Culture
Personal Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Growth Mindset: How Great K-12 Leaders Cultivate Continuous Improvement
Cultivating a school- or district-wide growth mindset happens through design, not by chance. Consider these growth-building strategies as you’re bolstering the learning and leadership of your teachers and staff.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
School Culture
Personal Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
How Great Leaders Pave the Way for Other Great Leaders
One of the most important characteristics of a great school leader is that they’re committed to developing future leaders. Here are four actions that strengthen that commitment.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Case Study: National Aspiring Principals Fellowship
Our Fellowship is the focus of a case study by the Stanford Graduate School of Business. Learn how the Fellowship came to be and how we are developing transformational school leaders.
Voices From The Field
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Voices From The Field
Principal Certification: The Power of Cohort-Based Learning
School leadership does not have to be lonely. Here’s how one New Leaders alum and principal relies on her New Leaders cohort for support and guidance—and how you can too.
Instructional Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Voices From The Field

Instructional Leadership
How Leadership Development at Every Level Fuels Gains
Discover how one district, in partnership with New Leaders, developed leaders of teams, leaders of schools, and leaders of systems in tandem—and is driving instructional excellence and equity at scale.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Personal Leadership
Resilient Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Everyday Ways K12 Leaders Can Prioritize Continuous Learning
The best leaders are those who prioritize continuous learning. We’ve put together a list of everyday strategies to keep you learning, even when you’re short on time.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Voices From The Field

Professional Learning & Collaboration
How to Support Future Principals
Our nation’s schools need well-prepared leaders. Leaders at every level in the K12 education ecosystem have a role to play in supporting the next generation of principals. Here’s how.
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Leading for Excellence
My Journey To School Leadership
From teacher to assistant principal, learn how one New Leaders Fellowship alum stepped into school leadership to be for her students what was missing in her education journey.
Observation & Coaching
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Observation & Coaching
Starting Strong: What K12 Leadership Coaching Can Do For You
Job-embedded leadership coaching can deepen your impact this school year. Discover how it works and why leaders and educators at every level find it beneficial to achieving ambitious goals.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
School Culture
Family and Community Engagement

Professional Learning & Collaboration
How Education Leaders Can Restore, Retool, Recommit Now & All School Year — Part 2
Recommitting to your passion as an education leader—and to pursuing your own professional learning—are the building blocks for success in this new school year. Here are resources to help.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
School Culture
Goal Setting & Action Planning

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Strong Retention & Engagement Begin With Successful Onboarding
Investing in solid onboarding not only helps new school hires feel supported from the start, it also creates long-term belonging, which is key to retention. Level up your school onboarding with these strategies.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Instructional Leadership
Personal Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration
“I Want to Be a Better Leader Than I Am Right Now.”
Meaningful professional development is a key reason principals stay in their roles. Here’s what that looks like in Vancouver Public Schools—and how it is motivating one principal to keep growing.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Voices From The Field

Professional Learning & Collaboration
What’s Next? Strategies to Advance Your Leadership in K12 Education
Want to do more for the students in your community? Here are tried-and-true ways K12 educators and leaders can explore opportunities to step into more leadership roles and amplify their impact.
Voices From The Field
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Voices From The Field
Building a Legacy of Transformational Leadership
This spring, over 50 New Leaders alumni and current New Leaders participants gathered in Memphis, Tennessee. Learn how one district and local foundations are supporting the development of leaders at every level.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Leading for Excellence
Personal Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Step By Step: I Am Ready to Be a School Principal Now
The path to school leadership is always unique. Discover why one New Leaders alum is excited to step into the principal role for next school year.
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Leading for Excellence
Guiding Latinx Educators Towards a Path to School Leadership
Hear from nonprofit leaders, school and district leaders, and two Latinx educators pursuing principalship on what more we can do to boost more equitable representation in schools.
Voices From The Field
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Voices From The Field
Ready to Lead: Our Inaugural Fellowship Cohort Graduates
The inaugural cohort of the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship is principal-ready and looking to lead. Go behind the scenes of their leadership seminar and see what the Fellowship does best.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Leading for Excellence
Personal Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
‘This Could Be Me’: Qualities of An Aspiring Principal
Research shows that students excel and schools thrive when they are led by diverse, committed, effective, and resilient leaders. Here are five qualities that drive teachers to become principals.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Leading for Excellence
Personal Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Expanding Access to Leadership Development for Teachers
Developing teachers into leaders builds pipelines for high-quality leaders for high-need schools. Here’s how a network of schools in South Carolina is partnering with New Leaders to create career pathways.
School Culture
Personal Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

School Culture
What K12 Leaders Need to Know About Effective Communication
Effective communication is more than what is said or posted on a website or social media. Strong K12 leaders use communication to move their vision forward. Here’s how.
Observation & Coaching
Instructional Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Observation & Coaching
How Coaching Leaders Delivers Instructional Shifts
Assistant principals play a vital role in our schools. Here’s how one New Leaders alum is developing the vice principals in her district to be coaches and instructional leaders.
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Leading for Excellence
Power of Philanthropy to Shape Future School Leadership
Educators of color face unique challenges when advancing into school leadership. Yet, new public-private partnerships are removing financial barriers for aspiring principals. Learn how.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
School Culture
Goal Setting & Action Planning

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Checking In: 4 Questions to Ask Teachers About Professional Learning Goals
Checking in with teachers about their professional learning progress fosters dialogue about how they’ve grown this year and where they still need support. Get the conversation started with these questions.
Observation & Coaching
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Voices From The Field

Observation & Coaching
10 Reasons to Consider a Leadership Coach
Job-embedded coaching for school and district leaders can be a game-changer. Here are ten reasons why leadership coaching might be a good fit for you.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Personal Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Tapping the Next Generation of School Principals
The “shoulder tap”—when someone sees your leadership potential and helps you navigate a path forward—can be life-changing. Start more of those conversations with the future leaders you know. Here’s how.
Instructional Leadership
Observation & Coaching
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Instructional Leadership
The Instructional Leader's Guide to Jumpstarting ELA Instruction
Research shows that strong school leadership accounts for about 25 percent of a school’s impact on student achievement. You can elevate that impact through instructional leadership—particularly through ELA-focused strategies.
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Leading for Excellence
Promising Practices: How to Increase School Leader Diversity
We can do more to systematically improve the strength and diversity of our nation’s principals. Here’s what our research tells us—and here’s where districts and states are making an impact.
Instructional Leadership
Observation & Coaching
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Instructional Leadership
The Instructional Leader's Guide to Jumpstarting Math Instruction
Strong instructional leaders can add up to three additional months of learning for students every year. Build teacher capacity and increase student achievement with these math-focused actions.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Distributed Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
PD for Teachers: How Principals Can Play a Meaningful Role
A critical way to keep great teachers in our classrooms is to work alongside them to support their professional learning and growth. Here are three leadership actions to consider.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Observation & Coaching
Resilient Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
What Kind of Professional Development Best Supports Principals Right Now?
As district leaders work to address principal shortages, one strategy tops the list of retention efforts: providing high-quality K-12 professional development. Here’s how to support the learning opportunities principals are seeking.
Voices From The Field
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Voices From The Field
Celebrating School Principals: Now and All Year Long (Part 3)
As National Principals Month comes to a close, we’re elevating principal voices to motivate and inspire the next generation of aspiring principals to step into the role. Read on.
Resilient Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Leading for Excellence
Resilient Leadership
How District Leaders Can Build (and Retain) Diverse Pipelines
Now is the time to diversify educational leadership at every level. With intentional actions, careful planning, and commitment, district leaders can build more equitable representation. Learn how.
Instructional Leadership
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Instructional Leadership
How One District Partnership is Building a Pipeline of Future Leaders
New Leaders and Baltimore City Public Schools are committed to working together to prepare aspiring leaders, building and retaining a strong bench of talent. Here’s how our district partnership works.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Voices From The Field

Professional Learning & Collaboration
We Know Why Teachers Are Leaving. Here’s Why They’re Staying.
For many schools and districts, teacher shortages will continue to be a challenge. To flip the script, let’s focus on why teachers stay in the classroom and why it might be the key to retention.
Leading for Excellence
Personal Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Leading for Excellence
5 Proven Strategies for Equity-Focused Leadership
Read the second paper in our series on reshaping educational leadership for the future. Learn how school leaders can accelerate student learning and keep great teachers.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Personal Leadership
Resilient Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
How Education Leaders Can Restore, Retool, Recommit Now—And All School Year Long
Now is the time to recommit to your passion as an education leader—and to building your resilience, too, in this new school year. Here are resources to get you started.
Resilient Leadership
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Resilient Leadership
Resilience and Hope: Developing the Next Generation of School Leaders
How can we develop future school leaders of color to endure and thrive in today’s complex education landscape? Our National Aspiring Principals Fellowship offers a way forward.
Personal Leadership
Voices From The Field
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Professional Learning & Collaboration
5 Inspiring TED Talks All Education Leaders Should Watch
Need a dose of inspiration? Ideas to enhance your leadership? Here are five TED Talks from influential leaders that you can watch on your own or reflect on with your team.
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Leading for Excellence
Closing the Representation Gap: A Series of Papers
By diversifying teacher and school leader pipelines, we empower more students to realize their futures. Read the first in our series of papers on reshaping educational leadership for the future.
Personal Leadership
Voices From The Field
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Professional Learning & Collaboration
6 Podcasts for Education Leaders This Summer (And Beyond!)
Podcasts are a convenient way to stay current and learn something new. Here are six podcasts to try as you move through the final few weeks of summer and beyond.
Leading for Excellence
Personal Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Leading for Excellence
5 Equity-Focused Education Thought Leaders to Learn From
Looking to trailblazers in the field can be inspiring and motivating. Check out these up-and-coming equity-focused thought leaders in education to discover new ideas and shape your own perspective.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Leading for Excellence

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Principal Preparation: What We Know Works Best
Training to become a principal is a big step in your leadership journey. Here are the most important components to look for in principal preparation programs.
Personal Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Personal Leadership
Fuel Your Professional Growth This Summer: 4 Leadership Practices to Cultivate
Summer break is a time to discover new ideas for your professional growth. We looked across industries—from business to healthcare—to compile four tried-and-true leadership practices to add to your toolbox.
Voices From The Field
Personal Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Professional Learning & Collaboration
8 Summer Reads for Education Leaders
Summer break is a time to focus on your own learning and add to your leadership toolkit. Here are eight books for your summer reading list recommended by our staff.
Voices From The Field
Personal Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Professional Learning & Collaboration
How to Recover From the Past School Year
It’s been a year—and no doubt your leadership made all the difference. Now it’s time to catch your breath. Learn how to restore, retool, and recommit this summer.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Voices From The Field

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Stepping Up: Advice & Insights For Aspiring Principals
Considering starting on the path to principalship? With the help of a few New Leaders alumni, we’ve put together some insights to consider as you’re thinking about your next step.
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Leading for Excellence
Why Leaders of Color Make a Lasting Impact
New Leaders launched the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship in partnership with Morehouse College and Clark Atlanta University. Learn more about why representation in leadership matters for students and our society.
High-Performing Teams
Distributed Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

High-Performing Teams
Building Your Instructional Leadership Team: 5 Qualities to Look For
Strong leadership is an indicator of school success, but it doesn’t need to be in a vacuum. Here are five important qualities to look for when building leadership teams.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Providing Equitable Access to High-Quality Principal Preparation
Learn how one HBCU graduate is spearheading our new online principal preparation and master’s degree program via a first-of-its-kind partnership with Morehouse College and Clark Atlanta University.
Adaptive Leadership
Distributed Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Adaptive Leadership
5 Ways To Keep Your Teachers During “The Great Resignation”
The educator shortage isn't new, but it's increasingly concerning as more teachers leave the profession. Here are five actions you can take to reverse this trend in your school.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Thinking About Becoming a Principal?
Everything you need to know about the different kinds of leadership effective principals leverage and what to look for in a principal preparation program.
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Voices From The Field

Leading for Excellence
Introducing the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship
First-of-its-kind principal preparation and masters degree program designed in partnership with Morehouse College and Clark Atlanta University to train the next generation of equity-focused principals.
Observation & Coaching
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Voices From The Field

Observation & Coaching
3 Reasons To Work With a School Leadership Coach
Virtual coaching allows more school leaders access to coaching when it’s needed most. Coaching in a virtual environment is resource-effective, provides trusted thought partnership, and focuses on your leadership goals.
Voices From The Field
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field
Women's History Month: Elevating Leader Voices from the Field
Celebrating women’s voices and insights from education leaders at every level. From spreading joy in our schools to empowering principals and teachers to motivating women to step into leadership roles.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Instructional Leadership
Observation & Coaching

Observation & Coaching
Principal Coaching: Why It Works
Hear from four New Leaders leadership coaches about how one-on-one virtual coaching is lifting up and supporting principals and assistant principals in this moment and the next.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Observation & Coaching
Instructional Leadership

Observation & Coaching
How Effective Coaching is Rooted in the Lived Realities of Students
Good coaching leaves a legacy. Here’s how an instructional coach forever changed the way one school leader taught his high school students and later led his school.
Observation & Coaching
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Observation & Coaching
Coaching Works for School Leaders, Too
Learn why a leadership coach is an important part of your support system, and how a coach can help you cut through the clutter, get clear on goals, and take action.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Instructional Leadership
Distributed Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
We’re All in This Together: Developing Teacher Leaders
Why invest in teacher leadership? Principals can’t do it all. Teaching and leading are different skill sets. And strong teachers with job-embedded training can have a greater impact on more students.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Personal Leadership
Distributed Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Why Investing in School Leadership Matters
Principals matter, a new report from the Wallace Foundation concludes. We could not agree more. Charged with driving excellence and equity within their school communities, principals challenge the status quo.
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Meeting the Moment with Innovative Online Leader Preparation
Learn how one online-by-design principal preparation program is training transformational school leaders. In partnership with New Leaders, this program offers a unique blueprint for remote professional learning options.
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