Voices From The Field
Patricia Otway-Drummond
New Leaders Alum, 2011
New Leaders Alum, 2011

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Professional Learning & Collaboration
Resilient Leadership
Voices From The Field

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Principal Preparation: What Aspiring Leaders Need to Succeed
Thinking about moving into school leadership? Or know someone who is? Here are ten essential mindsets and professional learning insights—along with ten popular blog posts—to support your path forward.
Voices From The Field
Instructional Leadership
School Culture

Voices From The Field
From a Single Question to a New School Model
Ever dream of starting a new school? Here’s how one New Leaders alum and his team transformed a question into a thriving middle school community.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Case Study: National Aspiring Principals Fellowship
Our Fellowship is the focus of a case study by the Stanford Graduate School of Business. Learn how the Fellowship came to be and how we are developing transformational school leaders.
Resilient Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
Voices From The Field

Resilient Leadership
10 Leadership Actions that Make Great School Principals
Here are ten leadership actions—and ten popular blog posts—that explore the many aspects of effective school leadership. Dive in today and jumpstart your leadership skills.
Voices From The Field
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Voices From The Field
Principal Certification: The Power of Cohort-Based Learning
School leadership does not have to be lonely. Here’s how one New Leaders alum and principal relies on her New Leaders cohort for support and guidance—and how you can too.
Instructional Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Voices From The Field

Instructional Leadership
How Leadership Development at Every Level Fuels Gains
Discover how one district, in partnership with New Leaders, developed leaders of teams, leaders of schools, and leaders of systems in tandem—and is driving instructional excellence and equity at scale.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Voices From The Field

Professional Learning & Collaboration
How to Support Future Principals
Our nation’s schools need well-prepared leaders. Leaders at every level in the K12 education ecosystem have a role to play in supporting the next generation of principals. Here’s how.
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Leading for Excellence
My Journey To School Leadership
From teacher to assistant principal, learn how one New Leaders Fellowship alum stepped into school leadership to be for her students what was missing in her education journey.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Voices From The Field

Professional Learning & Collaboration
What’s Next? Strategies to Advance Your Leadership in K12 Education
Want to do more for the students in your community? Here are tried-and-true ways K12 educators and leaders can explore opportunities to step into more leadership roles and amplify their impact.
Voices From The Field
Leading for Excellence
Adaptive Leadership

Voices From The Field
New Thought Leadership for Improving our K12 Schools
Hear from three key leaders—New Leaders CEO, our chief financial and strategy officer, and a fellow from our National Aspiring Principals Fellowship—on how we can transform schools for the better.
Voices From The Field
Distributed Leadership
Leading for Excellence

Voices From The Field
A Time of Growth: Looking to Next School Year
Mott Haven Academy Charter School is the first of its kind to serve students and families impacted by the child welfare system. Discover what is motivating Haven Academy for next year.
Voices From The Field
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Voices From The Field
Building a Legacy of Transformational Leadership
This spring, over 50 New Leaders alumni and current New Leaders participants gathered in Memphis, Tennessee. Learn how one district and local foundations are supporting the development of leaders at every level.
Voices From The Field
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Voices From The Field
Ready to Lead: Our Inaugural Fellowship Cohort Graduates
The inaugural cohort of the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship is principal-ready and looking to lead. Go behind the scenes of their leadership seminar and see what the Fellowship does best.
Leading for Excellence
Personal Leadership
Voices From The Field

Leading for Excellence
Women in K12 Leadership: Real Stories, Real Leaders—Part 2
We continue to share real stories of women leaders at every level who serve as powerful and positive forces for change. May they inspire you to step more into leadership too.
Resilient Leadership
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field

Resilient Leadership
How to Build Collective Effort In Schools Right Now
Maintaining momentum is essential in schools and districts this time of year. Learn how one New Leaders alum is leading with his values and fueling collective effort across his network.
Observation & Coaching
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Voices From The Field

Observation & Coaching
10 Reasons to Consider a Leadership Coach
Job-embedded coaching for school and district leaders can be a game-changer. Here are ten reasons why leadership coaching might be a good fit for you.
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Leading for Excellence
Promising Practices: How to Increase School Leader Diversity
We can do more to systematically improve the strength and diversity of our nation’s principals. Here’s what our research tells us—and here’s where districts and states are making an impact.
Voices From The Field
Family and Community Engagement

Voices From The Field
Civic Leadership: Elevating Voices for Change
New Leaders alum Jonathan Humphrey shares his journey from teacher to principal to civic engagement leader. Learn how he is mobilizing people in his community to become voices for change.
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field
Leading for Excellence
How We Advance Racial Economic Equity
Our innovative model for principal certification—National Aspiring Principals Fellowship—is nationally recognized for its potential to drive economic advancement for Black educators in the next five to 20 years.
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field
Voices From The Field
A Safe Place for Growth: Black Women Leadership Series
In partnership with the Goldman Sachs One Million Black Women, our alumni gained valuable insight on the challenges and opportunities of leaning into their authentic leadership as Black women.
Voices From The Field
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Voices From The Field
Celebrating School Principals: Now and All Year Long (Part 3)
As National Principals Month comes to a close, we’re elevating principal voices to motivate and inspire the next generation of aspiring principals to step into the role. Read on.
Voices From The Field
School Culture

Voices From The Field
Celebrating School Principals: Now and All Year Long (Part 2)
In honor of National Principals Month, we’re elevating more principal voices and all the ways school leaders build thriving school cultures that enable teachers and students to shine.
Voices From The Field
School Culture

Voices From The Field
Celebrating School Principals: Now and All Year Long
In honor of National Principals Month, we’re elevating principal voices. From building relationships to finding joy, from taking risks to transforming schools, your stories continue to inspire.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Voices From The Field

Professional Learning & Collaboration
We Know Why Teachers Are Leaving. Here’s Why They’re Staying.
For many schools and districts, teacher shortages will continue to be a challenge. To flip the script, let’s focus on why teachers stay in the classroom and why it might be the key to retention.
Leading for Excellence
Personal Leadership
Voices From The Field

Leading for Excellence
5 School Leadership Actions to Prioritize Joy and Student Learning This Year
Learn how one New Leaders alum and his team are building a learning environment filled with joy and a school culture where the adults and students want to be there.
Personal Leadership
Voices From The Field
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Professional Learning & Collaboration
5 Inspiring TED Talks All Education Leaders Should Watch
Need a dose of inspiration? Ideas to enhance your leadership? Here are five TED Talks from influential leaders that you can watch on your own or reflect on with your team.
Personal Leadership
Voices From The Field
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Professional Learning & Collaboration
6 Podcasts for Education Leaders This Summer (And Beyond!)
Podcasts are a convenient way to stay current and learn something new. Here are six podcasts to try as you move through the final few weeks of summer and beyond.
Voices From The Field
Adaptive Leadership
Personal Leadership

Voices From The Field
From Aspiring Principals to Transformational Leaders
Six New Leaders alumni share their leadership journey and offer insights, advice, and strategies for education leaders to transform our schools and districts for the better.
Voices From The Field
Distributed Leadership
Family and Community Engagement

Voices From The Field
Pandemic Lessons To Bring Into the School Year Ahead
The COVID-19 pandemic and the changes it brought to K-12 education also signaled new ways to move our schools forward. Here are a few of those insights.
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field
Personal Leadership

Leading for Excellence
Representation Matters: Advice From One Black Female Leader to Another
Seeing yourself in leadership—also known as representation—allows students to imagine what they can become. The same is true for adults. Hear from one leader about why that matters.
Voices From The Field
Personal Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Professional Learning & Collaboration
8 Summer Reads for Education Leaders
Summer break is a time to focus on your own learning and add to your leadership toolkit. Here are eight books for your summer reading list recommended by our staff.
Voices From The Field
Personal Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Professional Learning & Collaboration
How to Recover From the Past School Year
It’s been a year—and no doubt your leadership made all the difference. Now it’s time to catch your breath. Learn how to restore, retool, and recommit this summer.
Resilient Leadership
Voices From The Field
Observation & Coaching

Resilient Leadership
How to Invest In and Retain Effective Principals
In this era of the Great Resignation, when 40% of principals anticipate leaving their roles, district leaders need to develop resilient leaders who can meet the challenges ahead. Here’s how.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Voices From The Field

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Stepping Up: Advice & Insights For Aspiring Principals
Considering starting on the path to principalship? With the help of a few New Leaders alumni, we’ve put together some insights to consider as you’re thinking about your next step.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Providing Equitable Access to High-Quality Principal Preparation
Learn how one HBCU graduate is spearheading our new online principal preparation and master’s degree program via a first-of-its-kind partnership with Morehouse College and Clark Atlanta University.
Voices From The Field
Distributed Leadership
High-Performing Teams

Distributed Leadership
Celebrating Assistant Principals
In honor of National Assistant Principals Week, learn from one New Leaders alum how her work as assistant principal is fueling a sense of ownership in her school.
Adaptive Leadership
Voices From The Field
Family and Community Engagement

Adaptive Leadership
How One School Leader is Keeping Her Teachers
In an era of the Great Resignation and educators leaving the field en masse, one school is seeing the opposite trend: almost 100% teacher retention. Here's how.
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Voices From The Field

Leading for Excellence
Introducing the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship
First-of-its-kind principal preparation and masters degree program designed in partnership with Morehouse College and Clark Atlanta University to train the next generation of equity-focused principals.
Observation & Coaching
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Voices From The Field

Observation & Coaching
3 Reasons To Work With a School Leadership Coach
Virtual coaching allows more school leaders access to coaching when it’s needed most. Coaching in a virtual environment is resource-effective, provides trusted thought partnership, and focuses on your leadership goals.
Voices From The Field
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field
Women's History Month: Elevating Leader Voices from the Field
Celebrating women’s voices and insights from education leaders at every level. From spreading joy in our schools to empowering principals and teachers to motivating women to step into leadership roles.
Leading for Excellence
Instructional Leadership
Voices From The Field

Leading for Excellence
Educators Must Spread Carter G. Woodson’s Legacy Over The Entire School Year
Woodson created the idea of celebrating Black history. His legacy demands school leaders to spread it before and after February.
Resilient Leadership
Voices From The Field

Resilient Leadership
Dear School Leader: Please Hang On
From navigativing pandemic-related challenges to staffing shortages, education leaders are struggling to maintain their own well-being. We asked our New Leaders alumni to share what keeps them moving forward.
Adaptive Leadership
Personal Leadership
Voices From The Field
Adaptive Leadership
Ground Zero: What I Learned About Leadership in My First Week as Principal
9/11 changed how one school leader saw the role of the principal and reinforced the deliberate dance between the “person” and the “position” of being a school leader.
Instructional Leadership
Observation & Coaching
Voices From The Field

Instructional Leadership
Back to School: How small changes can lead to big wins for school leaders
A New Leaders alum reflects on the power of small changes to enhance her leadership and team meetings. After a year of disrupted learning, these tips can deliver big wins.
Personal Leadership
High-Performing Teams
Voices From The Field

Personal Leadership
How one principal is motivating his school to keep doing better
A New Leaders alum and principal shares five leadership actions that carry him through the demands of this historic time and motivate his school to continue to do better.
Personal Leadership
Instructional Leadership
Voices From The Field

Personal Leadership
Leading through crisis requires that we magnify students' strengths and put them on a path toward success. Learn how one New Leaders alum and principal did just that.
Family and Community Engagement
Voices From The Field

Family and Community Engagement
How can you reimagine the roles parents play as we build more equitable schools? Partnership is one of four key leadership shifts we’re exploring this July.
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field

Leading for Excellence
More than a Detour: Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
A New Leaders alum and principal reflects on what cultural competency, Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) month, and representation in leadership mean to him as a school leader.
Instructional Leadership
Distributed Leadership
Voices From The Field

Instructional Leadership
Distributed Leadership: Empowering Teachers to Make a Lasting Difference for Students
A New Leaders alum and coach reflects on distributed leadership: “I knew if I created a partnership with my team, we could build the culture our students needed to thrive.”
Instructional Leadership
Voices From The Field

Instructional Leadership
Back-to-School: Making Virtual Instruction Relevant in a Pandemic
New Leaders alum and assistant principal rethinks their curricula to zero in on student voice and identity. “One thing we have control over is how we engage students in learning.”
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Voices From The Field

Goal Setting & Action Planning
Setting Our Students Up for Success in 2020
In-person instruction? Remote? Hybrid? The options are swirling. One New Leaders alum and principal reflects on the power of our Transformational Leadership Framework to ground his leadership choices.
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Voices From The Field

Goal Setting & Action Planning
Transforming Schools for a New Reality in the Year Ahead
Educators are deep into planning this summer. Here’s how one New Leaders alum and principal is engaging all voices in creating a new vision for their school community.
Leading for Excellence
Family and Community Engagement
Voices From The Field

Leading for Excellence
How to Bring Your School Community Together to Advance Racial Justice
How to keep the dialogue going, focus on solutions, and engage your school community in addressing racism and rethinking the upcoming school year. One New Leaders alum shares her story.
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field

Leading for Excellence
Everybody Wants to Do Something: How Two Leaders are Hoping to Address Systemic Racism in Schools
Two New Leaders alumni and principals are rethinking the systems and structures that disproportionately impact Black students. Here’s what they are doing and how you can do it, too.
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field

Leading for Excellence
The Presence of Hope: How School Leaders Can Lead After the Loss of George Floyd
With the unjust losses of Black lives taken too soon, and social unrest from coast to coast, here is how education leaders can respond and advance equity in their schools.
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Voices From The Field

Goal Setting & Action Planning
Rethinking What’s Ahead: How One Principal is Looking Back to Move Forward
Now more than ever, education leaders need time to pause, reflect, and rethink how they want to lead moving forward. One New Leaders alum and principal shows us how.
Adaptive Leadership
Voices From The Field

Adaptive Leadership
Plan B and C and D: How Two Principals are Hoping to Avoid the Summer Slide
Two New Leaders alumni and school principals discuss how they plan to advance summer learning, overcome communication challenges, and adapt their leadership to move forward in new ways.
Personal Leadership
Social-Emotional Learning
Voices From The Field

Personal Leadership
“It Feels Good to Be Heard.” How Three Principals are Caring for Vulnerable Students and their Families
Three New Leaders alumni and school leaders speak to how they are protecting the learning of their most vulnerable students and caring for the well-being of families during this crisis.
Instructional Leadership
Voices From The Field

Personal Leadership
“Give Yourself Some Grace." How One Principal is Redefining Virtual Instruction
A New Leaders alum and principal is creating a brand-new blueprint for instruction in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Find out what is working well for students, staff, and families.
Adaptive Leadership
Resilient Leadership
Voices From The Field

Adaptive Leadership
“We Will Get Through This Ordeal Together." How One Principal is Motivating His School to Stay Connected
“I can’t tell what day it is,” Principal Felipe Jackson reflects. Learn how this New Leaders alum is leading through crisis and motivating his school to get through the pandemic together.
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