Making-High Quality Math Instruction Accessible for All StudentsMaking-High Quality Math Instruction Accessible for All Students
Leading & Learning Workshop
Two-Part Series
Three-Part Series
Optional Second Workshop Below

Making-High Quality Math Instruction Accessible for All Students

Drive student achievement by redefining what high-quality, equitable instruction looks like in math classrooms.

This Workshop Is For:

Teachers Leaders
Assistant Principals
Instructional Coaches
District Leaders
Principal Supervisors
All School Staff
1st Workshop In Series
2nd Workshop In Series
3rd Workshop In Series

How to Lead Inclusive Collaborative Lesson Planning in Math

Learn to establish and lead collaborative planning sessions with your teacher teams and scale best practices in math.
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Making-High Quality Math Instruction Accessible for All StudentsMaking-High Quality Math Instruction Accessible for All Students
Leading & Learning Workshop
Two-Part Series
Three-Part Series
Optional Second Workshop Below
Optional Series Workshops Below

Making-High Quality Math Instruction Accessible for All Students

Drive student achievement by redefining what high-quality, equitable instruction looks like in math classrooms.

This Workshop Is For:

Teachers Leaders
Assistant Principals
Instructional Coaches
District Leaders
Principal Supervisors
All School Staff
1st Workshop In Series
2nd Workshop In Series
3rd Workshop In Series

How to Lead Inclusive Collaborative Lesson Planning in Math

Learn to establish and lead collaborative planning sessions with your teacher teams and scale best practices in math.
Learn More
Making-High Quality Math Instruction Accessible for All StudentsMaking-High Quality Math Instruction Accessible for All Students
Leading & Learning Workshop
Two-Part Series
Three-Part Series
Optional Second Workshop Below
Optional Series Workshops Below

Making-High Quality Math Instruction Accessible for All Students

Drive student achievement by redefining what high-quality, equitable instruction looks like in math classrooms.
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Length: 4 hours
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Virtual or In Person


Instructional Leadership
Talent Management
High-Performing Teams
Personal Leadership
Equity-Focused Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
Resilient Leadership

This Workshop Is For:

Teachers Leaders
Assistant Principals
Instructional Coaches
District Leaders
Principal Supervisors
All School Staff

Did you know that math is the subject most prone to deficit thinking? Many people believe there is such a thing as a “math person” or a “math brain.” These biases make math inaccessible for some. But biases can be unlearned. Here’s how. As a leader—and as a school—it is imperative that you build a shared understanding for hiqh-quality, equitable instruction. In this workshop, you’ll dive into best practices. You’ll assess the quality of a learning task, observe a math lesson, and align on what rigorous, culturally relevant, and standards-aligned instruction looks like. We know all students are capable of high levels of learning. Now is the time to ensure math instruction holds teachers and students to the same high bar. 

Workshop Outcomes
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Define the Instructional Core as a framework for learning and teaching
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Explore the importance of culturally relevant curriculum for all students
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Distinguish between equitable and inequitable instructional practices
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Conduct a math task analysis to assess rigor and relevance
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Learn to use low-inference notes in observations to minimize bias
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Commit to a mental model of what excellence and equity look like in math
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How to Lead Inclusive Collaborative Lesson Planning in MathHow to Lead Inclusive Collaborative Lesson Planning in Math
Leading & Learning Workshop
Two-Part Series
Three-Part Series
Second Part Workshop
Optional Series Workshops Below

How to Lead Inclusive Collaborative Lesson Planning in Math

Learn to establish and lead collaborative planning sessions with your teacher teams and scale best practices in math.
Clock icon - New Leaders Images
Length: 4 hours
Location pin - New Leaders Images
Virtual or In Person
Teachers Leaders
Assistant Principals
Instructional Coaches
District Leaders

Teachers need consistent opportunities to collaborate, share, and challenge each other to not only deepen their practice, but to drive more equitable outcomes for students in math. This workshop explores how to explore lesson design and lead collaborative planning sessions for teachers. From task analysis to backwards planning, you’ll gain the tools and protocols needed to help your team shift their practice, align on look-fors for student mastery, add interventions and accelerations without sacrificing core content, and provide culturally affirming, engaging and meaningful learning math tasks to all students. When done consistently, collaborative planning sessions replace exclusionary practices with more equitable practices rooted in the belief that all children can learn at extraordinarily high levels, especially in math. 

Workshop Outcomes
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Revisit the Instructional Core as a framework for learning and teaching
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Engage with a task analysis protocol to align on the level of rigor in math tasks
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Define intervention and acceleration as part of targeted math instruction
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Design a math lesson as a team that is inclusive of targeted instruction strategies
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Identify equitable practices that support core grade-level instruction
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Gain strategies for creating safe spaces for teachers to share and challenge each other
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Leverage collaborative planning session protocols to prepare for team meetings
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navy blue cardboard paper

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