Distributed Leadership
Patricia Otway-Drummond
New Leaders Alum, 2011
New Leaders Alum, 2011

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Adaptive Leadership
Leading for Excellence
Distributed Leadership
Instructional Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Instructional Leadership
Unlocking Potential, Driving Success: Six Strategies for Leading Better School Teams
Being a true leader is not just a title, it involves taking action. If you find yourself in the position of leading a team at your school for the first time this year, these strategies will help you get comfortable in your new role.
Personal Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
Distributed Leadership
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Personal Leadership
5 Practices for K-12 Leaders to Strengthen Relationships with Administration
Building strong relationships between K-12 leaders and administrators fosters trust, collaboration, and psychological safety. Discover strategies to proactively develop these essential connections, ensuring a successful partnership that drives student achievement and school improvement.
Instructional Leadership
Distributed Leadership
Leading for Excellence

Instructional Leadership
“Our Role Is Critical”: How to Best Support Assistant Principals
In honor of National Assistant Principal (AP) Week, we’re focusing on the critical role APs play in our schools and how we can leverage these education leaders for even greater impact.
Resilient Leadership
School Culture
Distributed Leadership

Resilient Leadership
Six Traits of Highly Resilient K-12 Education Leaders
Resilience—the ability to move through and grow from difficult times—is a key characteristic of great educational leadership. Here are six strategies that resilient leaders prioritize to get through challenging times.
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Distributed Leadership
Family and Community Engagement

Goal Setting & Action Planning
Strategic District Planning: 4 Questions to Guide Your Success
Ensuring all students in your district reach their potential begins with a strategic plan—a map to enable you to fulfill that vision. Consider these questions as part of your planning this year.
Resilient Leadership
Distributed Leadership
Personal Leadership

Resilient Leadership
Effective Strategies to Avoid School Leader Burnout
As a school leader, there’s a lot on your plate. When that pressure spills over, it can lead to burnout. Here are four tips to proactively manage burnout before it begins.
Distributed Leadership
School Culture
High-Performing Teams

Distributed Leadership
Distributed Leadership: Why the Right Time Is Right Now
Looking to build capacity and community within your school? Time to give distributed leadership some thought. Here’s a look at what it is, what it looks like in practice, and questions to guide your implementation.
Voices From The Field
Distributed Leadership
Leading for Excellence

Voices From The Field
A Time of Growth: Looking to Next School Year
Mott Haven Academy Charter School is the first of its kind to serve students and families impacted by the child welfare system. Discover what is motivating Haven Academy for next year.
Adaptive Leadership
Distributed Leadership
High-Performing Teams

Adaptive Leadership
How One School Leader Is Valuing Her Teachers
Teacher retention is a pressing issue this time of year. Learn how one New Leaders alum is putting systems in place to value and retain her top talent.
High-Performing Teams
Distributed Leadership
Personal Leadership

High-Performing Teams
4 Reflection Questions to Build More Effective Teams
Reflection is essential for growth as a leader and team member, but reflection also makes teams stronger. Develop successful teams with these four reflection tips.
Adaptive Leadership
Distributed Leadership
School Culture

Adaptive Leadership
Five Insights for Leading and Managing Change in Your School
School leaders are change agents. Leading large-scale change requires a particular set of tools in your leadership toolbox. Here are five strategies to sharpen your change management skills.
High-Performing Teams
Distributed Leadership
School Culture

High-Performing Teams
Purpose, Process, and People: How The Three Ps Can Support Team Collaboration
Creating high-performing teams at your school starts with understanding the 3Ps of successful collaboration: purpose, process, and people. Here’s how to apply them for maximum impact.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Distributed Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
PD for Teachers: How Principals Can Play a Meaningful Role
A critical way to keep great teachers in our classrooms is to work alongside them to support their professional learning and growth. Here are three leadership actions to consider.
High-Performing Teams
Distributed Leadership
Instructional Leadership

High-Performing Teams
Building Your Instructional Leadership Team This School Year
The secret to a strong school can often lie in its teams. If you’re looking to start an instructional leadership team, or wanting to bolster your own, these tips can help.
Instructional Leadership
Distributed Leadership
School Culture

Instructional Leadership
Culture Isn’t Just for Schools: District Leadership Matters
District leaders, from principal supervisors to superintendents, play a critical role in establishing a culture of growth, satisfaction, and impact. Here are four leadership actions you can take.
Voices From The Field
Distributed Leadership
Family and Community Engagement

Voices From The Field
Pandemic Lessons To Bring Into the School Year Ahead
The COVID-19 pandemic and the changes it brought to K-12 education also signaled new ways to move our schools forward. Here are a few of those insights.
High-Performing Teams
Distributed Leadership
Observation & Coaching

High-Performing Teams
3 Ways Your Instructional Leadership Team Can Drive School Change
Leadership requires creating the conditions for achieving positive change at scale. Structuring your instructional leadership team for success will allow it to drive excellence and equity across your school.
High-Performing Teams
Distributed Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

High-Performing Teams
Building Your Instructional Leadership Team: 5 Qualities to Look For
Strong leadership is an indicator of school success, but it doesn’t need to be in a vacuum. Here are five important qualities to look for when building leadership teams.
Adaptive Leadership
Distributed Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Adaptive Leadership
5 Ways To Keep Your Teachers During “The Great Resignation”
The educator shortage isn't new, but it's increasingly concerning as more teachers leave the profession. Here are five actions you can take to reverse this trend in your school.
Voices From The Field
Distributed Leadership
High-Performing Teams

Distributed Leadership
Celebrating Assistant Principals
In honor of National Assistant Principals Week, learn from one New Leaders alum how her work as assistant principal is fueling a sense of ownership in her school.
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Distributed Leadership
Resilient Leadership

Goal Setting & Action Planning
Six Actions to Keep Moving Your School’s Vision Forward
When you’re navigating challenges, your school’s shared vision can serve as a great reminder to keep focusing on what’s important. Here are six ways to keep it at the forefront.
Distributed Leadership
High-Performing Teams
Family and Community Engagement

Distributed Leadership
How Distributed Leadership Can Help Leaders and Schools Right Now
The challenges of the pandemic offer a reminder: School leaders should not have to lead alone. Learn how distributed leadership can lead to improved decision-making and better student outcomes.
Instructional Leadership
Distributed Leadership
Family and Community Engagement

Leading for Excellence
8 Reasons to Celebrate Education Leaders in 2021
Eight big reasons why you and your work need to be celebrated. While school leadership has its share of challenges, there can also be plenty of joy.
Adaptive Leadership
Observation & Coaching
Distributed Leadership

Adaptive Leadership
Empowering Principals to Empower Their Schools
Two former principals and current leadership coaches (as well as New Leaders alumni) share three essential supports that made a transformative difference in their leadership.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Instructional Leadership
Distributed Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
We’re All in This Together: Developing Teacher Leaders
Why invest in teacher leadership? Principals can’t do it all. Teaching and leading are different skill sets. And strong teachers with job-embedded training can have a greater impact on more students.
Leading for Excellence
Distributed Leadership

Leading for Excellence
Women Empowering Women to Lead
Motivating other aspiring leaders, particularly women and teachers of color, to stretch beyond their role enables them to influence positive outcomes for more students, more teachers, and more communities.
Instructional Leadership
Distributed Leadership
Voices From The Field

Instructional Leadership
Distributed Leadership: Empowering Teachers to Make a Lasting Difference for Students
A New Leaders alum and coach reflects on distributed leadership: “I knew if I created a partnership with my team, we could build the culture our students needed to thrive.”
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Personal Leadership
Distributed Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Why Investing in School Leadership Matters
Principals matter, a new report from the Wallace Foundation concludes. We could not agree more. Charged with driving excellence and equity within their school communities, principals challenge the status quo.
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