Leading for Excellence
Patricia Otway-Drummond
New Leaders Alum, 2011
New Leaders Alum, 2011

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Adaptive Leadership
Leading for Excellence
Distributed Leadership
Instructional Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Instructional Leadership
Unlocking Potential, Driving Success: Six Strategies for Leading Better School Teams
Being a true leader is not just a title, it involves taking action. If you find yourself in the position of leading a team at your school for the first time this year, these strategies will help you get comfortable in your new role.
Personal Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
Distributed Leadership
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Personal Leadership
5 Practices for K-12 Leaders to Strengthen Relationships with Administration
Building strong relationships between K-12 leaders and administrators fosters trust, collaboration, and psychological safety. Discover strategies to proactively develop these essential connections, ensuring a successful partnership that drives student achievement and school improvement.
Instructional Leadership
Distributed Leadership
Leading for Excellence

Instructional Leadership
“Our Role Is Critical”: How to Best Support Assistant Principals
In honor of National Assistant Principal (AP) Week, we’re focusing on the critical role APs play in our schools and how we can leverage these education leaders for even greater impact.
Leading for Excellence
Family and Community Engagement
School Culture

Leading for Excellence
Listening as a Catalyst for Advancing Educational Excellence
Prioritizing educational excellence isn’t just about asking questions—it’s about listening to the answers and taking action. Hone your listening skills for all groups within your school community with these strategies.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Case Study: National Aspiring Principals Fellowship
Our Fellowship is the focus of a case study by the Stanford Graduate School of Business. Learn how the Fellowship came to be and how we are developing transformational school leaders.
Leading for Excellence
Personal Leadership
Resilient Leadership

Leading for Excellence
5 Questions K12 Leaders Should Ask Themselves to Advance Equity
An equity-focused education leader asks the tough questions that challenge and dismantle the systems and practices that don’t serve everyone at your school. These self-reflections can help initiate those conversations.
Instructional Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
Leading for Excellence

Instructional Leadership
Characteristics of Great School Principals That Drive Impact
This time of year offers a natural time for reflection, especially for school and district leaders who don’t always take the time to celebrate their wins. Here are the ways you make a difference.
Voices From The Field
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Voices From The Field
Principal Certification: The Power of Cohort-Based Learning
School leadership does not have to be lonely. Here’s how one New Leaders alum and principal relies on her New Leaders cohort for support and guidance—and how you can too.
Personal Leadership
Leading for Excellence
High-Performing Teams

Personal Leadership
What K12 Leaders Need to Know About the Power of Self-Reflection
Self-reflection is the key to personal leadership and it can help fuel a healthy school culture, advance more equitable outcomes, build effective teams, and more. Learn how.
Leading for Excellence
Instructional Leadership
School Culture

Leading for Excellence
Three Ways for School Leaders to Champion Cultural Responsiveness
All students benefit from culturally responsive schools—but not all students have access to them. Here are a few ways school leaders can play a critical role in promoting culturally responsive practices schoolwide.
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Leading for Excellence
My Journey To School Leadership
From teacher to assistant principal, learn how one New Leaders Fellowship alum stepped into school leadership to be for her students what was missing in her education journey.
School Culture
Leading for Excellence
Personal Leadership

School Culture
How Great Principals Drive High Expectations
One quality of a great principal is having the belief that your school, students, and teachers can perform at exceedingly high levels—and creating the conditions to make it happen. Here’s how to balance belief and action.
School Culture
Personal Leadership
Leading for Excellence

School Culture
Empowering Students: How School Leaders Can Foster Student Voice
Students are the foundation of our schools—so it makes sense that they have a say in their education and their school culture. Consider these strategies to cultivate and elevate student voice throughout their school career.
Family and Community Engagement
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Leading for Excellence

Family and Community Engagement
Building Trust: Four Actions to Elevate Family Engagement
When families and schools trust one another and work together, students achieve more—and everyone feels like they’re on the same team. Consider these actions to level up your family engagement strategy.
Voices From The Field
Leading for Excellence
Adaptive Leadership

Voices From The Field
New Thought Leadership for Improving our K12 Schools
Hear from three key leaders—New Leaders CEO, our chief financial and strategy officer, and a fellow from our National Aspiring Principals Fellowship—on how we can transform schools for the better.
Voices From The Field
Distributed Leadership
Leading for Excellence

Voices From The Field
A Time of Growth: Looking to Next School Year
Mott Haven Academy Charter School is the first of its kind to serve students and families impacted by the child welfare system. Discover what is motivating Haven Academy for next year.
Instructional Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
Leading for Excellence

Instructional Leadership
School Leaders Need a Plan to Lead for Literacy
Great literacy instruction requires more than great teaching—it requires great leadership. Learn how to apply a 4-part action planning process to chart a course forward for your school or district.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Leading for Excellence
Personal Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Step By Step: I Am Ready to Be a School Principal Now
The path to school leadership is always unique. Discover why one New Leaders alum is excited to step into the principal role for next school year.
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Leading for Excellence
Guiding Latinx Educators Towards a Path to School Leadership
Hear from nonprofit leaders, school and district leaders, and two Latinx educators pursuing principalship on what more we can do to boost more equitable representation in schools.
Voices From The Field
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Voices From The Field
Ready to Lead: Our Inaugural Fellowship Cohort Graduates
The inaugural cohort of the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship is principal-ready and looking to lead. Go behind the scenes of their leadership seminar and see what the Fellowship does best.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Leading for Excellence
Personal Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
‘This Could Be Me’: Qualities of An Aspiring Principal
Research shows that students excel and schools thrive when they are led by diverse, committed, effective, and resilient leaders. Here are five qualities that drive teachers to become principals.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Leading for Excellence
Personal Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Expanding Access to Leadership Development for Teachers
Developing teachers into leaders builds pipelines for high-quality leaders for high-need schools. Here’s how a network of schools in South Carolina is partnering with New Leaders to create career pathways.
Leading for Excellence
Personal Leadership
Voices From The Field

Leading for Excellence
Women in K12 Leadership: Real Stories, Real Leaders—Part 2
We continue to share real stories of women leaders at every level who serve as powerful and positive forces for change. May they inspire you to step more into leadership too.
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Leading for Excellence
Power of Philanthropy to Shape Future School Leadership
Educators of color face unique challenges when advancing into school leadership. Yet, new public-private partnerships are removing financial barriers for aspiring principals. Learn how.
Resilient Leadership
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field

Resilient Leadership
How to Build Collective Effort In Schools Right Now
Maintaining momentum is essential in schools and districts this time of year. Learn how one New Leaders alum is leading with his values and fueling collective effort across his network.
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Leading for Excellence
Promising Practices: How to Increase School Leader Diversity
We can do more to systematically improve the strength and diversity of our nation’s principals. Here’s what our research tells us—and here’s where districts and states are making an impact.
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field
Leading for Excellence
How We Advance Racial Economic Equity
Our innovative model for principal certification—National Aspiring Principals Fellowship—is nationally recognized for its potential to drive economic advancement for Black educators in the next five to 20 years.
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field
Voices From The Field
A Safe Place for Growth: Black Women Leadership Series
In partnership with the Goldman Sachs One Million Black Women, our alumni gained valuable insight on the challenges and opportunities of leaning into their authentic leadership as Black women.
Instructional Leadership
Family and Community Engagement
Leading for Excellence

Instructional Leadership
To Reverse NAEP Trends, Invest In Your School Leaders
Meeting student needs requires looking beyond short-term fixes toward long-term investments in leadership that enable system transformation for equity and excellence. Here are three investments that can jumpstart student learning.
Resilient Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Leading for Excellence
Resilient Leadership
How District Leaders Can Build (and Retain) Diverse Pipelines
Now is the time to diversify educational leadership at every level. With intentional actions, careful planning, and commitment, district leaders can build more equitable representation. Learn how.
Instructional Leadership
Leading for Excellence
Resilient Leadership

Resilient Leadership
Leadership Qualities that Keep Great Principals in Their Roles
Headlines abound about a potential “principal exodus,” but many principals have stayed. This resiliency can be attributed to a well-honed set of leadership qualities.
Leading for Excellence
Personal Leadership
Resilient Leadership

Leading for Excellence
Finding Your Voice, Remembering Your “Why” as a School Leader
What is at the core of your leadership? Remembering your “why” can turn challenges into opportunities. Here’s what drives one former principal to help other leaders stay strong.
Instructional Leadership
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Instructional Leadership
How One District Partnership is Building a Pipeline of Future Leaders
New Leaders and Baltimore City Public Schools are committed to working together to prepare aspiring leaders, building and retaining a strong bench of talent. Here’s how our district partnership works.
Leading for Excellence
Personal Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Leading for Excellence
5 Proven Strategies for Equity-Focused Leadership
Read the second paper in our series on reshaping educational leadership for the future. Learn how school leaders can accelerate student learning and keep great teachers.
Leading for Excellence
Personal Leadership
Voices From The Field

Leading for Excellence
5 School Leadership Actions to Prioritize Joy and Student Learning This Year
Learn how one New Leaders alum and his team are building a learning environment filled with joy and a school culture where the adults and students want to be there.
Resilient Leadership
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Resilient Leadership
Resilience and Hope: Developing the Next Generation of School Leaders
How can we develop future school leaders of color to endure and thrive in today’s complex education landscape? Our National Aspiring Principals Fellowship offers a way forward.
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Leading for Excellence
Closing the Representation Gap: A Series of Papers
By diversifying teacher and school leader pipelines, we empower more students to realize their futures. Read the first in our series of papers on reshaping educational leadership for the future.
Leading for Excellence
Personal Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Leading for Excellence
5 Equity-Focused Education Thought Leaders to Learn From
Looking to trailblazers in the field can be inspiring and motivating. Check out these up-and-coming equity-focused thought leaders in education to discover new ideas and shape your own perspective.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Leading for Excellence

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Principal Preparation: What We Know Works Best
Training to become a principal is a big step in your leadership journey. Here are the most important components to look for in principal preparation programs.
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field
Personal Leadership

Leading for Excellence
Representation Matters: Advice From One Black Female Leader to Another
Seeing yourself in leadership—also known as representation—allows students to imagine what they can become. The same is true for adults. Hear from one leader about why that matters.
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Leading for Excellence
Why Leaders of Color Make a Lasting Impact
New Leaders launched the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship in partnership with Morehouse College and Clark Atlanta University. Learn more about why representation in leadership matters for students and our society.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Providing Equitable Access to High-Quality Principal Preparation
Learn how one HBCU graduate is spearheading our new online principal preparation and master’s degree program via a first-of-its-kind partnership with Morehouse College and Clark Atlanta University.
School Culture
Family and Community Engagement
Leading for Excellence

School Culture
Shaping School Culture: Four Leadership Actions to Consider
Maintaining a positive school culture is a long game, and building relationships with your school community is a big part of that process. Here are some tips to ensure success.
Leading for Excellence
Adaptive Leadership

Leading for Excellence
Shining a Light On Inequity In Education: Actions You Can Take
Become aware of the most common and well-researched inequities in schools and how equity-focused leaders can disrupt them so all students have access to a high-quality education.
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Voices From The Field

Leading for Excellence
Introducing the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship
First-of-its-kind principal preparation and masters degree program designed in partnership with Morehouse College and Clark Atlanta University to train the next generation of equity-focused principals.
Voices From The Field
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field
Women's History Month: Elevating Leader Voices from the Field
Celebrating women’s voices and insights from education leaders at every level. From spreading joy in our schools to empowering principals and teachers to motivating women to step into leadership roles.
Leading for Excellence
Instructional Leadership
Voices From The Field

Leading for Excellence
Educators Must Spread Carter G. Woodson’s Legacy Over The Entire School Year
Woodson created the idea of celebrating Black history. His legacy demands school leaders to spread it before and after February.
Leading for Excellence
Personal Leadership

Leading for Excellence
Strengthening Your Equity-Focused Leadership: 6 Questions for Self-Reflection
The beginning of a new year is a great time to assess your commitment to being an equity-focused leader. Reflect on the work you’re doing by asking yourself these six questions.
Leading for Excellence
Personal Leadership
Resilient Leadership

Leading for Excellence
Leading While Black: Negotiating Race and Role in School Leadership
A career educator reflects upon the impact of negotiating his racial identity with his role as a leader—a critical balance that leaders of color need to be successful.
Instructional Leadership
Personal Leadership
Leading for Excellence

Leading for Excellence
The Qualities of a Great Principal
Behind every great teacher is a great principal. Here’s what we know—and what research confirms—to be the qualities of a transformational school leader.
Leading for Excellence
Instructional Leadership
Adaptive Leadership

Leading for Excellence
Five Differences a Great School Principal Makes
Great principals build great schools. The difference a good principal makes is lasting—for students, teachers, families, and communities. Here are the top five ways good principals create great schools.
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field

Leading for Excellence
More than a Detour: Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
A New Leaders alum and principal reflects on what cultural competency, Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) month, and representation in leadership mean to him as a school leader.
Leading for Excellence
Distributed Leadership

Leading for Excellence
Women Empowering Women to Lead
Motivating other aspiring leaders, particularly women and teachers of color, to stretch beyond their role enables them to influence positive outcomes for more students, more teachers, and more communities.
Adaptive Leadership
Leading for Excellence
Social-Emotional Learning

Adaptive Leadership
Confronting History in Real Time: A Principal’s Role
School leaders are instrumental to the endurance of our democracy. Here is how you can prepare and support teachers to lead ongoing discussions that reinforce our nation’s democratic values.
Leading for Excellence
Family and Community Engagement
Voices From The Field

Leading for Excellence
How to Bring Your School Community Together to Advance Racial Justice
How to keep the dialogue going, focus on solutions, and engage your school community in addressing racism and rethinking the upcoming school year. One New Leaders alum shares her story.
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field

Leading for Excellence
Everybody Wants to Do Something: How Two Leaders are Hoping to Address Systemic Racism in Schools
Two New Leaders alumni and principals are rethinking the systems and structures that disproportionately impact Black students. Here’s what they are doing and how you can do it, too.
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field

Leading for Excellence
The Presence of Hope: How School Leaders Can Lead After the Loss of George Floyd
With the unjust losses of Black lives taken too soon, and social unrest from coast to coast, here is how education leaders can respond and advance equity in their schools.
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