Leadership Changes Everything
Patricia Otway-Drummond
New Leaders Alum, 2011
New Leaders Alum, 2011

Our blog is for you, and every educator, who is answering the call to lead at this moment.
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Adaptive Leadership
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Distributed Leadership
Instructional Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Instructional Leadership
Unlocking Potential, Driving Success: Six Strategies for Leading Better School Teams
Being a true leader is not just a title, it involves taking action. If you find yourself in the position of leading a team at your school for the first time this year, these strategies will help you get comfortable in your new role.
Personal Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
Distributed Leadership
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Personal Leadership
5 Practices for K-12 Leaders to Strengthen Relationships with Administration
Building strong relationships between K-12 leaders and administrators fosters trust, collaboration, and psychological safety. Discover strategies to proactively develop these essential connections, ensuring a successful partnership that drives student achievement and school improvement.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Goal Setting & Action Planning

4 Essential Strategies for Thriving in Your First Year as an Assistant Principal
New assistant principal? Discover four strategies to excel in your first year and build a strong foundation for success.
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Personal Leadership

Goal Setting & Action Planning
Advice on How to Ace Your First Year as a K-12 Principal
Are you, or do you know someone who is, starting their career as a principal this school year? Check out our best strategies for ensuring your first year is a success.
School Culture
Family and Community Engagement
Personal Leadership

School Culture
10 Leadership Actions That Keep School Culture at the Center
As a school leader, your actions have a pronounced effect on school culture. With a new school year approaching, use these ten strategies to center culture in your leadership actions.
School Culture
Personal Leadership
Family and Community Engagement

School Culture
Belonging in Schools: Why It Matters and How to Build It
Belonging in schools goes beyond inclusion; it's vital for well-being, academic success, and community building. Here’s how K-12 leaders can foster a greater sense of belonging in their school communities.
Personal Leadership
School Culture
Adaptive Leadership

Personal Leadership
Emotional Intelligence for K-12 Leaders: How to Improve Yours
Increasing your emotional intelligence means concentrating on consistent, reflective actions that build empathy, strengthen relationships, and allow you to see other perspectives. Use these four strategies to enhance your daily EQ.
Personal Leadership
School Culture
Social-Emotional Learning

Personal Leadership
Emotional Intelligence for School Leaders: What Is It & Why It’s Essential
Being a principal involves management of not only operations and curriculum, but emotions and relationships. Discover what emotional intelligence (EQ) is and why it's crucial for effective school leadership.
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Personal Leadership

Goal Setting & Action Planning
Six Important Actions K-12 Leaders Can Take Over the Summer, Part Two
As summer continues, we’re back with another set of six strategies to help principals and other K-12 leaders relax, refresh, and get ready for the school year ahead.
Personal Leadership
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Personal Leadership
From Self-Reflection to School Success: A Checklist for K-12 Principals
Summer is a great time for reflection—both about your school community and your own leadership needs. Here are some questions—and accountability strategies—to get you ready for next year.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Personal Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Six Important Actions K-12 Leaders Can Take Over the Summer
The summer offers K-12 leaders much needed downtime and a chance to charge your batteries after a whirlwind school year. Take time for yourself and your leadership with these actions.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Personal Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Principal Preparation: Am I Ready?
Wondering whether the principalship is in your future? Explore your principal readiness through these 10 self-reflection questions.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Personal Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
End-of-Year Time Management: Our Best Tips for K-12 Education Leaders
If you’re a K-12 education leader, you’re most likely always wishing for more time—especially as the end of the year approaches. We’ve outlined several strategies to help you get some precious hours back, both right now and in the long term.
Observation & Coaching
School Culture
Personal Leadership

Observation & Coaching
Cultivating a Coaching Mindset: Three Strategies for K-12 Education Leaders
Adopting a coaching mindset as a school or district leader helps your teachers, staff, and aspiring leaders see—and reach—their potential. Strengthen your mindset with these strategies.
Adaptive Leadership
School Culture

Adaptive Leadership
Getting Started: How to Develop AI Guidelines for Schools and Districts
If developing an AI policy feels overwhelming, consider focusing on developing preliminary AI usage guardrails. Use these four questions to guide your thinking and your next steps.
Instructional Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Instructional Leadership
Making Your Mark: Advice for New & Tenured Assistant Principals
Assistant principals drive instructional leadership, manage school operations, support teachers and staff, ensure student wellbeing, and much more. Here’s how to balance—and embrace—the diverse responsibilities that come with the role.
Instructional Leadership
School Culture
Family and Community Engagement

Instructional Leadership
How the Best K-12 Education Leaders Build Data Literacy
The right data can tell the story of your school or district, both in the present and future—and that’s why the best education leaders place a high value on data literacy.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Resilient Leadership
Voices From The Field

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Principal Preparation: What Aspiring Leaders Need to Succeed
Thinking about moving into school leadership? Or know someone who is? Here are ten essential mindsets and professional learning insights—along with ten popular blog posts—to support your path forward.
Instructional Leadership
Distributed Leadership
Leading for Excellence

Instructional Leadership
“Our Role Is Critical”: How to Best Support Assistant Principals
In honor of National Assistant Principal (AP) Week, we’re focusing on the critical role APs play in our schools and how we can leverage these education leaders for even greater impact.
School Culture
Personal Leadership
High-Performing Teams

School Culture
How to Engage Multiple Generations in K-12 Schools
There are likely multiple generations of leaders, teachers, and staff in your school or district working together to ensure student success. Harness the benefits of this age diversity with these strategies.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
School Culture
Personal Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Growth Mindset: How Great K-12 Leaders Cultivate Continuous Improvement
Cultivating a school- or district-wide growth mindset happens through design, not by chance. Consider these growth-building strategies as you’re bolstering the learning and leadership of your teachers and staff.
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Personal Leadership
Adaptive Leadership

Goal Setting & Action Planning
How K-12 Leaders Can Prepare for Next Year, Now
Spring is here (or around the corner!), and schools and districts need to end strong and prepare for next year. Here are best practices to manage and lead both successfully.
Resilient Leadership
School Culture
Distributed Leadership

Resilient Leadership
Six Traits of Highly Resilient K-12 Education Leaders
Resilience—the ability to move through and grow from difficult times—is a key characteristic of great educational leadership. Here are six strategies that resilient leaders prioritize to get through challenging times.
Adaptive Leadership
School Culture

Adaptive Leadership
A.I. in Education: What K-12 Leaders Need to Know
Artificial intelligence (AI)’s influence in education is already significant, yet learning about it can be daunting. We explore what AI is, its educational applications, and considerations for thoughtful AI implementation.
Voices From The Field
Instructional Leadership
School Culture

Voices From The Field
From a Single Question to a New School Model
Ever dream of starting a new school? Here’s how one New Leaders alum and his team transformed a question into a thriving middle school community.
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Family and Community Engagement

Goal Setting & Action Planning
Communication Is Key: Three Strategies to Activate Your District’s Strategic Plan
Strategic planning isn’t done when the plan is complete—your next step is creating excitement and alignment around your district’s vision through a comprehensive communications strategy. Here’s how to get started.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
School Culture
Personal Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
How Great Leaders Pave the Way for Other Great Leaders
One of the most important characteristics of a great school leader is that they’re committed to developing future leaders. Here are four actions that strengthen that commitment.
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Distributed Leadership
Family and Community Engagement

Goal Setting & Action Planning
Strategic District Planning: 4 Questions to Guide Your Success
Ensuring all students in your district reach their potential begins with a strategic plan—a map to enable you to fulfill that vision. Consider these questions as part of your planning this year.
Resilient Leadership
Distributed Leadership
Personal Leadership

Resilient Leadership
Effective Strategies to Avoid School Leader Burnout
As a school leader, there’s a lot on your plate. When that pressure spills over, it can lead to burnout. Here are four tips to proactively manage burnout before it begins.
Observation & Coaching
Family and Community Engagement
Personal Leadership

Observation & Coaching
Coaching: The Power of Being Seen as a Leader
Students excel when they feel seen. The same is true for school leaders. Here’s how one New Leaders alum experienced the impact of our leadership coaching in her school.
Leading for Excellence
Family and Community Engagement
School Culture

Leading for Excellence
Listening as a Catalyst for Advancing Educational Excellence
Prioritizing educational excellence isn’t just about asking questions—it’s about listening to the answers and taking action. Hone your listening skills for all groups within your school community with these strategies.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Case Study: National Aspiring Principals Fellowship
Our Fellowship is the focus of a case study by the Stanford Graduate School of Business. Learn how the Fellowship came to be and how we are developing transformational school leaders.
Leading for Excellence
Personal Leadership
Resilient Leadership

Leading for Excellence
5 Questions K12 Leaders Should Ask Themselves to Advance Equity
An equity-focused education leader asks the tough questions that challenge and dismantle the systems and practices that don’t serve everyone at your school. These self-reflections can help initiate those conversations.
Resilient Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
Voices From The Field

Resilient Leadership
10 Leadership Actions that Make Great School Principals
Here are ten leadership actions—and ten popular blog posts—that explore the many aspects of effective school leadership. Dive in today and jumpstart your leadership skills.
Instructional Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
Leading for Excellence

Instructional Leadership
Characteristics of Great School Principals That Drive Impact
This time of year offers a natural time for reflection, especially for school and district leaders who don’t always take the time to celebrate their wins. Here are the ways you make a difference.
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Personal Leadership

Goal Setting & Action Planning
6 Time Management Tips Every K12 Leader Should Know
Everyone could use a few more minutes or hours in their day—and we know that’s especially true for school and district leaders. We’ve put together a list of our top tips to make the most of your time.
Instructional Leadership
Goal Setting & Action Planning
School Culture

Instructional Leadership
Data-Driven School Culture: Three Ways to Initiate Lasting Change
In addition to acting as data champion, a key part of a school leader’s role in building a data-driven school culture is to create the conditions for that culture to thrive. We outline three practical steps to get there.
Voices From The Field
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Voices From The Field
Principal Certification: The Power of Cohort-Based Learning
School leadership does not have to be lonely. Here’s how one New Leaders alum and principal relies on her New Leaders cohort for support and guidance—and how you can too.
Personal Leadership
Leading for Excellence
High-Performing Teams

Personal Leadership
What K12 Leaders Need to Know About the Power of Self-Reflection
Self-reflection is the key to personal leadership and it can help fuel a healthy school culture, advance more equitable outcomes, build effective teams, and more. Learn how.
Instructional Leadership
School Culture
Goal Setting & Action Planning

Instructional Leadership
Data-Driven Instruction: What Is a School Leader’s Role?
When gathered and analyzed effectively, student data elevates instructional practices and improves student learning. Here are a few ways visionary school leaders can be the data champions of their schools.
Instructional Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Voices From The Field

Instructional Leadership
How Leadership Development at Every Level Fuels Gains
Discover how one district, in partnership with New Leaders, developed leaders of teams, leaders of schools, and leaders of systems in tandem—and is driving instructional excellence and equity at scale.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Personal Leadership
Resilient Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Everyday Ways K12 Leaders Can Prioritize Continuous Learning
The best leaders are those who prioritize continuous learning. We’ve put together a list of everyday strategies to keep you learning, even when you’re short on time.
Adaptive Leadership
School Culture
Resilient Leadership

Adaptive Leadership
Taking a Pulse Check: A Year-Round Approach to Teacher Retention
A solid teacher retention strategy requires school leaders to proactively create the conditions—and ask the questions—that make teachers want to stay in their roles. Here are a few ways to ensure you’re cultivating that environment year-round.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Voices From The Field

Professional Learning & Collaboration
How to Support Future Principals
Our nation’s schools need well-prepared leaders. Leaders at every level in the K12 education ecosystem have a role to play in supporting the next generation of principals. Here’s how.
School Culture
Personal Leadership
Family and Community Engagement

School Culture
How Strong K12 Principals Are “Lead Relationship Builders”
So much of school leadership depends on being able to build strong and lasting relationships with the diverse groups within your school community. We break down these groups—and the actions school leaders can take for each.
Leading for Excellence
Instructional Leadership
School Culture

Leading for Excellence
Three Ways for School Leaders to Champion Cultural Responsiveness
All students benefit from culturally responsive schools—but not all students have access to them. Here are a few ways school leaders can play a critical role in promoting culturally responsive practices schoolwide.
Resilient Leadership
Instructional Leadership
High-Performing Teams

Resilient Leadership
Walking in Their Shoes: A Day in the Life of a School Principal
Unpredictable and rewarding are often how school principals describe their days. Here’s a snapshot of what one of those days could entail—and why effective school leadership makes a difference.
Adaptive Leadership
School Culture
Resilient Leadership

Adaptive Leadership
Adaptive Leadership: How Great School Principals Lead for Change
One quality great principals possess is leaning into adaptive leadership—a method that helps them and their school community thrive in the face of constant change. Is it a mindset, a practice, or both?
Leading for Excellence
Voices From The Field
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Leading for Excellence
My Journey To School Leadership
From teacher to assistant principal, learn how one New Leaders Fellowship alum stepped into school leadership to be for her students what was missing in her education journey.
School Culture
Leading for Excellence
Personal Leadership

School Culture
How Great Principals Drive High Expectations
One quality of a great principal is having the belief that your school, students, and teachers can perform at exceedingly high levels—and creating the conditions to make it happen. Here’s how to balance belief and action.
Observation & Coaching
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Observation & Coaching
Starting Strong: What K12 Leadership Coaching Can Do For You
Job-embedded leadership coaching can deepen your impact this school year. Discover how it works and why leaders and educators at every level find it beneficial to achieving ambitious goals.
Distributed Leadership
School Culture
High-Performing Teams

Distributed Leadership
Distributed Leadership: Why the Right Time Is Right Now
Looking to build capacity and community within your school? Time to give distributed leadership some thought. Here’s a look at what it is, what it looks like in practice, and questions to guide your implementation.
School Culture
Personal Leadership
Leading for Excellence

School Culture
Empowering Students: How School Leaders Can Foster Student Voice
Students are the foundation of our schools—so it makes sense that they have a say in their education and their school culture. Consider these strategies to cultivate and elevate student voice throughout their school career.
Personal Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
School Culture

Personal Leadership
How to Build Self-Awareness & Improve Your K12 Leadership
Self-awareness, sometimes called a ‘hidden superpower,’ is essential for K12 leaders to cultivate. Learn how to do the inner work, so your leadership actions (external work) deliver better student outcomes.
School Culture
Instructional Leadership
Personal Leadership

Personal Leadership
Four Ways to Prioritize School Culture & Instruction From the Start
This time of year, you want to hit the ground running with instruction—but you also want to ensure your school culture is welcoming and inclusive for everyone. Here’s how to do both.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
School Culture
Family and Community Engagement

Professional Learning & Collaboration
How Education Leaders Can Restore, Retool, Recommit Now & All School Year — Part 2
Recommitting to your passion as an education leader—and to pursuing your own professional learning—are the building blocks for success in this new school year. Here are resources to help.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
School Culture
Goal Setting & Action Planning

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Strong Retention & Engagement Begin With Successful Onboarding
Investing in solid onboarding not only helps new school hires feel supported from the start, it also creates long-term belonging, which is key to retention. Level up your school onboarding with these strategies.
Resilient Leadership
High-Performing Teams
Adaptive Leadership

Resilient Leadership
Cultivating Resilient Mindsets: 5 Actions for School Teams
When we talk about resiliency, it’s usually through the lens of our students. However, it’s important to nurture resiliency among our teachers, staff, and ourselves, too. Here’s how to build more resilient school teams.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Instructional Leadership
Personal Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration
“I Want to Be a Better Leader Than I Am Right Now.”
Meaningful professional development is a key reason principals stay in their roles. Here’s what that looks like in Vancouver Public Schools—and how it is motivating one principal to keep growing.
Family and Community Engagement
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Leading for Excellence

Family and Community Engagement
Building Trust: Four Actions to Elevate Family Engagement
When families and schools trust one another and work together, students achieve more—and everyone feels like they’re on the same team. Consider these actions to level up your family engagement strategy.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Voices From The Field

Professional Learning & Collaboration
What’s Next? Strategies to Advance Your Leadership in K12 Education
Want to do more for the students in your community? Here are tried-and-true ways K12 educators and leaders can explore opportunities to step into more leadership roles and amplify their impact.
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Adaptive Leadership
Personal Leadership

Goal Setting & Action Planning
Four Questions to Step Up Your School Vision for Next Year
Summer is a perfect time to take a look at your school vision and make sure it still resonates. Here are a few questions and resources to guide you.
Adaptive Leadership
Personal Leadership

Adaptive Leadership
5 Ways to Cultivate More Joy Next School Year
Student achievement, rigorous curriculum, a positive culture—elements of high-performing schools—are easier to achieve when joy is present in your school and in your leadership. Here’s how to find more joy.
Voices From The Field
Leading for Excellence
Adaptive Leadership

Voices From The Field
New Thought Leadership for Improving our K12 Schools
Hear from three key leaders—New Leaders CEO, our chief financial and strategy officer, and a fellow from our National Aspiring Principals Fellowship—on how we can transform schools for the better.
Personal Leadership
High-Performing Teams
Personal Leadership
How Celebrating Your School’s Wins Leads To More Wins
We invite you to restore, retool, and recommit with us this summer. Start by celebrating everything you and your team accomplished last school year—because doing so can set the tone for the fall.
Voices From The Field
Distributed Leadership
Leading for Excellence

Voices From The Field
A Time of Growth: Looking to Next School Year
Mott Haven Academy Charter School is the first of its kind to serve students and families impacted by the child welfare system. Discover what is motivating Haven Academy for next year.
Instructional Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
Leading for Excellence

Instructional Leadership
School Leaders Need a Plan to Lead for Literacy
Great literacy instruction requires more than great teaching—it requires great leadership. Learn how to apply a 4-part action planning process to chart a course forward for your school or district.
Adaptive Leadership
Distributed Leadership
High-Performing Teams

Adaptive Leadership
How One School Leader Is Valuing Her Teachers
Teacher retention is a pressing issue this time of year. Learn how one New Leaders alum is putting systems in place to value and retain her top talent.
Voices From The Field
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Voices From The Field
Building a Legacy of Transformational Leadership
This spring, over 50 New Leaders alumni and current New Leaders participants gathered in Memphis, Tennessee. Learn how one district and local foundations are supporting the development of leaders at every level.
High-Performing Teams
Personal Leadership

High-Performing Teams
High-Performing Teams Begin with Great Team Members
A team isn’t merely a group of people—it’s a group of individuals with a variety of important leadership qualities. Consider these four characteristics as you’re assembling your next team.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Leading for Excellence
Personal Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Step By Step: I Am Ready to Be a School Principal Now
The path to school leadership is always unique. Discover why one New Leaders alum is excited to step into the principal role for next school year.
High-Performing Teams
Distributed Leadership
Personal Leadership

High-Performing Teams
4 Reflection Questions to Build More Effective Teams
Reflection is essential for growth as a leader and team member, but reflection also makes teams stronger. Develop successful teams with these four reflection tips.
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Leading for Excellence
Guiding Latinx Educators Towards a Path to School Leadership
Hear from nonprofit leaders, school and district leaders, and two Latinx educators pursuing principalship on what more we can do to boost more equitable representation in schools.
Voices From The Field
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Voices From The Field
Ready to Lead: Our Inaugural Fellowship Cohort Graduates
The inaugural cohort of the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship is principal-ready and looking to lead. Go behind the scenes of their leadership seminar and see what the Fellowship does best.
School Culture
Social-Emotional Learning
Adaptive Leadership

School Culture
Four System Changes To Support and Appreciate K12 Teachers
While well-intentioned, encouraging self-care among teachers isn’t a substitute for broader changes that signal they’re supported and appreciated. As we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week, here’s what to focus on instead.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Leading for Excellence
Personal Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
‘This Could Be Me’: Qualities of An Aspiring Principal
Research shows that students excel and schools thrive when they are led by diverse, committed, effective, and resilient leaders. Here are five qualities that drive teachers to become principals.
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Leading for Excellence
Personal Leadership

Professional Learning & Collaboration
Expanding Access to Leadership Development for Teachers
Developing teachers into leaders builds pipelines for high-quality leaders for high-need schools. Here’s how a network of schools in South Carolina is partnering with New Leaders to create career pathways.
Leading for Excellence
Personal Leadership
Voices From The Field

Leading for Excellence
Women in K12 Leadership: Real Stories, Real Leaders—Part 2
We continue to share real stories of women leaders at every level who serve as powerful and positive forces for change. May they inspire you to step more into leadership too.
Adaptive Leadership
School Culture
High-Performing Teams

Adaptive Leadership
How Leaders Can Guide More Innovation in Their Schools
“Innovation” is touted as the solution to many challenges within K-12 education. But how do schools begin their innovation journey? Creating a culture where innovation thrives is a good start.
School Culture
Personal Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

School Culture
What K12 Leaders Need to Know About Effective Communication
Effective communication is more than what is said or posted on a website or social media. Strong K12 leaders use communication to move their vision forward. Here’s how.
Goal Setting & Action Planning
High-Performing Teams
Family and Community Engagement

Goal Setting & Action Planning
Three Ways to Get a Running Start on Next School Year
Pre-planning for next year can help K12 principals, teachers, and staff return in the fall with some much-needed peace of mind. Here’s what to concentrate on before school lets out.
School Culture
Personal Leadership

School Culture
School and District Leader Guide to Having Stay Conversations
“Stay conversations”—intentional discussions to express appreciation for high-performing teachers and leaders and get insight on whether they plan to remain in their roles—can help retain your best educators.
Observation & Coaching
Instructional Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Observation & Coaching
How Coaching Leaders Delivers Instructional Shifts
Assistant principals play a vital role in our schools. Here’s how one New Leaders alum is developing the vice principals in her district to be coaches and instructional leaders.
School Culture
Personal Leadership
Family and Community Engagement

School Culture
How School Leaders Can Finish the Year Strong and Build for Next Year
Now is the time for leaders to focus on effective time management and listening to your school community. Set yourself up for success now and next school year, too.
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Leading for Excellence
Power of Philanthropy to Shape Future School Leadership
Educators of color face unique challenges when advancing into school leadership. Yet, new public-private partnerships are removing financial barriers for aspiring principals. Learn how.
School Culture
Personal Leadership
School Culture
Creating Safe and Brave Spaces: Fostering Psychological Safety In Schools
When teachers and staff are psychologically safe, they feel comfortable contributing ideas and feedback without fear of repercussion. Here’s why that matters and how you can cultivate it in your school.
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