Leading & Learning Workshops
Flexible And Accessible Professional Learning
Debra Broughton
New Leaders Alum, 2011
New Leaders Alum, 2011

Perfect for districts and schools, our workshops uncover what works best at the classroom, school and district level to remove barriers to student success.
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Adaptive Leadership
Distributed Leadership
Equity-Focused Leadership
High-Performing Teams
Instructional Leadership
Observation and Coaching
Personal Leadership
Professional Learning and Collaboration
Resilient Leadership
School Culture
Talent Management
All School Staff
All School Staff
All School Staff
District Leaders
All School Staff
Principal Supervisors
District Leaders
Instructional Coaches
Assistant Principals
Teachers Leaders

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What K-12 schools and leaders need to know about accelerating student learning with data-driven instruction. Our workshop series are optional. Workshops can be purchased separately or in any combination.
Virtual or In Person
What K-12 leaders need to know about instructional leadership practices that drive student success. Our workshop series are optional. Workshops can be purchased separately or in any combination.
Virtual or In Person
What K-12 leaders need to know about cultivating learning environments in which everyone thrives. Our workshop series are optional. Workshops can be purchased separately or in any combination.
Virtual or In Person
Mastering the Data-Driven Instruction Cycle: Action & Monitoring
Discover how to lead the implementation and monitoring components of a data-driven instruction cycle.
Virtual or In Person
Setting the Stage for Student Achievement Through Data-Driven Instruction
Explore the assessment and analysis components of the data-driven instruction cycle to inform action steps.
Virtual or In Person
Establishing the Systems and Structures for Data-Driven Instruction
Discover how to build a data-driven culture that improves teaching and learning outcomes.
Virtual or In Person
Empowering Teams & Scaling Instructional Excellence with Distributed Leadership
Leverage distributed leadership to both empower your team and scale your vision for instructional excellence.
Virtual or In Person
Building the Systems and Structures to Address Instructional Priorities
Learn to create effective systems in schools and districts that advance key instructional leadership practices and priorities.
Virtual or In Person
Centering Students, Improving Outcomes: Understanding Instructional Leadership
Master six key instructional leadership practices and utilize them to improve student outcomes.
Virtual or In Person
Amplifying a Positive School Culture Through Distributed Leadership
Dive into distributed leadership and discover how this approach can strengthen your school culture efforts.
Virtual or In Person
Utilizing Systems and Structures to Supercharge School Culture
Develop a plan for systematizing your overall school culture, leveraging each of the individual systems within your school as a guide.
Virtual or In Person
Characteristics of Positive School Culture—And How to Leverage Them
Uncover the characteristics of a positive school culture and how to diagnose and improve your own school culture.
Virtual or In Person
What K-12 leaders need to know about coaching teachers to drive stronger student achievement gains. Our workshop series are optional. Workshops can be purchased separately or in any combination.
Virtual or In Person
What K-12 leaders and schools need to know about high-quality math instruction and how to help teachers achieve it. Our workshop series are optional. Workshops can be purchased separately or in any combination.
Virtual or In Person
What K-12 leaders and schools need to know about high-quality English Language Arts (ELA) instruction and how to help teachers achieve it. Our workshop series are optional. Workshops can be purchased separately or in any combination.
Virtual or In Person
Instructional Coaching: The Art of a Coaching Conversation
Uncover the art of the coaching conversation and how to drive shifts in teacher practice that yield more equitable student learning outcomes.
Virtual or In Person
How to Coach Teachers and Improve Learning Outcomes
Establish equitable systems and structures to effectively coach teachers and deepen their capacity to advance student achievement.
Virtual or In Person
How to Lead Inclusive Collaborative Lesson Planning in ELA
Learn to establish and lead collaborative planning sessions with your teacher teams and scale best practices in ELA.
Virtual or In Person
Making-High Quality Math Instruction Accessible for All Students
Drive student achievement by redefining what high-quality, equitable instruction looks like in math classrooms.
Virtual or In Person
How to Lead Inclusive Collaborative Lesson Planning in Math
Learn to establish and lead collaborative planning sessions with your teacher teams and scale best practices in math.
Virtual or In Person
Making High-Quality English Language Arts Instruction Accessible to All Students
Drive student achievement by redefining what high-quality, equitable instruction looks like in English Language Arts (ELA) classrooms.
Virtual or In Person
Leading, Supporting, and Sustaining Powerful Professional Development
Reimagine professional learning and develop a professional development (PD) calendar and resource allocation plan that advances excellence and equity.
Virtual or In Person
How to Structure Learning Environments Where Students Thrive
Establish more equitable school-wide systems that advance interventions and accelerations to support all students in learning core grade-level content.
Virtual or In Person
Maximizing Student Performance through Data-Driven Decision Making
Learn how to lead action-oriented data analysis cycles that improve student performance by examining the root cause of school data.
Virtual or In Person
Why Culturally Relevant Instruction Matters—and What to Do About It
Sharpen your instructional knowledge and leadership by taking a deep dive into the value and impact of rigorous, culturally relevant instruction on student achievement.
Virtual or In Person
More Than A Mindset: How to Create More Equitable School Policies and Practices
Explore how schools can replace exclusionary policies with policies that ensure all students feel welcomed, valued, seen, and cared for.
Virtual or In Person
Leveraging Collective Efficacy to Accelerate Outcomes
Learn how to build a culture of collective efficacy in which your teachers and staff are galvanized by what is possible and work together to achieve it.
Virtual or In Person
Leadership Actions to Navigate Change and Transform Schools
Establish your north star for instructional excellence and equity and unlock the leadership skills necessary to propel your school forward.
Virtual or In Person
Leading and Supporting High-Performing Teams
Uncover the systems and structures that underpin and support high-performing teams and be prepared to take your team to the next level.
Virtual or In Person
Four Characteristics of High-Performing Teams
Learn the characteristics of high-performing teams and how to implement them with your team.
Virtual or In Person
The Power of Personal Leadership to Advance Equity and Excellence
Tap into the power of your personal leadership skills and build a school culture in which all students and adults excel.
Virtual or In Person

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We invite you to explore more of our New Leaders programs and services. Or if you’re ready to talk with a member of our K12 Partner Engagement team now, please schedule a time that works best for you.
We look forward to the conversation.
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Equip your team with the skills they need

Teacher Leaders
Teacher leaders can deepen their instructional knowledge, learn to lead teams, and build collective efficacy around student learning.

All School Staff
All school staff can learn to drive more student achievement by redefining what high-quality, equitable instruction looks like in ELA and math.

School Leaders
School leaders can develop coaching skills to support teachers, create systems for advancing equity, and discover how to cultivate learning environments in which everyone succeeds.

District Leaders
District leaders can learn to build coherence across the system—and drive better outcomes for all students.
We believe every school can be a high-performing school.
Our workshops will show you how to get there.